Thursday, June 11, 2009

THANKFUL THURSDAY ... true beauty

Welcome back to THANKFUL THURSDAY. "Rejoicing in the Lord always and again I say rejoice." We gather here to give thanks to our Lord.
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"
This is a saying that has been around for centuries. Have you ever considered the meaning of this saying? It must mean that there is no decision of whether something is beautiful or ugly but rather beauty is a matter of preference or opinion.

Each of us have a longing for beauty. Think of the things that draw your eye ... the beauty of a green valley, or the beautiful scene that a mountaintop overlooks. Even a marble statute or a perfect golf swing can appear beautiful to us. How about the perfectly orchestrated music piece or a perfect, luscious ripe strawberry. Seeing and experiencing such beauty around us can add so much joy to our lives.

I have never been so awestruck at the beauty of an artist as I was when I visited Rome and Paris with my husband a few years ago. Walking thru the Sistine Chapel and gazing upon the beauty of Michelangelo's hand was simply breathtaking to me. A great painting is beautiful not because of an isolated color or texture but because great artists such as Michelangelo combined many elements together to perfect his creation of beauty.
(FROM MY CAMERA...Michelangelo's artwork at the Sistine Chapel)

This could also be said about God. God Himself is ultimate beauty. What makes God beautiful is not just His attributes but how each one of those attributes bring perfect harmony and balance and completeness.

Whenever I am able to get a glimpse of how great my God is, it literally takes my breath away. It is His true beauty that I long to fall down to worship. I am so thankful for the beauty in His creation but nothing compares to the beauty of the Creator!

1 PETER 3:4 "You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God."

WHAT IS IT ABOUT GOD'S CREATION THAT CAUSES YOU TO MARVEL? Please share your grateful heart with us here on Thankful Thursday. You can link up your post by clicking on mr linky below and adding your name and post. I look forward to hearing what good things God has done for you this week!

~looking for the schedule for TT hosts? Please check out the sidebar of my blog for future Thankful Thursdays! ~


Aimz said...

hi Laurie, I haven't taken part in thankful thursdays for a while. Back now, saying hi :-)

(my tudorhouse)

Chris said...

God is great! :D i marvel at how the planets and the stars dont collide ... God is indeed great!

Omah's Helping Hands said...

What an awesome post! The art in Europe is simply breath taking in the chapels/churches and the castles and residences. It's amazing how they used natural items such as fruits to paint the ceilings etc.
But God's beauty outshines everything. It's because of Him that all the beauty here transpires.

Toknowhim said...

Thanks for hosting again this month... Blessings to you..

Pia said...

i'm in awe of His creations. no one can ever say that there is no God because He is so alive in each of His masterpieces.

God bless you, laurie.

Rocks said...

Hi laurie!

It is the beauty of the Lord that amazes me :)

Happy thankful thursday!

Denise said...

Bless you dear.

Anonymous said...

Fabulous post!

debi9kids said...

What a gorgeous post.
So easy to enjoy the beauty of our Lord if we only look with wide eyes .
Have a very blessed Thursday!

Anonymous said...

How funny! We're on vacation so I pre posted my post. .. but it's sort of on your topic anyway! :)

Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting said...

Oh, how beautiful!!! I hope to someday see this myself!!!

Ann said...

Thanks for hosting! We're having lots of beauty conversations with my five year old girl right now. I'm also totally marveling at the fruit being produced from our postage stamp of a a yard!

Bogie said...

Thankful for today! Here's the link of my TT post.

Beverly said...

I love to take in all the beauty God has given us to enjoy daily. The sun, stars, flowers,etc. What an awesome God we serve.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

God's creation is certainly something to be thankful for.

Rita T. said...

Isn't God good? Have a great Thursday!

Unknown said...

Hi Laurie,

Excellent... excellent post.. Thank you for hosting and what a great idea to put the schedule in the sidebar. I think I will copy....

God bless you my friend. BIG hugs on this TT.

Debbie Petras said...

Laurie, I've also visited Rome and Paris and totally enjoyed the beauty of art. The Louvre has so many fantastic pieces and I was amazed. The Sistene Chapel was awesome. I am amazed at how the Lord can use man and give them such talent. And I am continually amazed at the beauty of God's creation. I enjoyed this theme for thankful Thursday and appreciate your hosting this week.

Pam said...

What a wonderful post, Laurie. Thanks for sharing.

Mariposa said...

Duh, Blogger ate my comment! LOL

This is a great theme Laurie...I also think the same, beauty not only on the eye of the beholder...but also we should be also to see it from anyone...anywhere...anytime and appreciate it! As we are all beautiful in His eyes!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Isn't it amazing how individuals see beauty in different details? It's so much more holisitc that way - then the beauty of God's creation is fully revealed!

Unknown said...

True beauty - defintely something to ponder about.

I believe the truest beauty can only come from the love of our Father into our hearts to love the unlovable! That is true beauty!

The work of His hands in us and through us.

Truth is beauty. His love is beauty!

Jesus is The Way, The Truth and The Life! AMEN! and AMEN!


Amanda said...

Thanks for hosting! Great topic.

It Feels Like Chaos said...

I have been thinking on the concept of inward beauty a lot this week as I help out with a Princess camp at our church where little girls learn they are true princesses because they are daughters of the King (God). We have been teaching them all week that even without a pretty dress or fancy hair, they are beautiful and loved by God!

The Muse said...

i am happy to have wandered here :)

Melissa, Multi-Tasking Mama said...

I marvel at sunsets and puppies
:-) Random but me LOL

Marsha said...

Thank you for hosting this month, Laurie!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog and for your kind comments!

Beth in NC said...

I love looking at God's creation in nature. The huge mountains, the clouds hanging with sun beams bursting through, the ocean -- so vast yet contained. I love to hear the birds sing and children giggle.

Surely, God is worthy of our praise. I marvel at his mercy and grace that is new every morning.

Bless you Laurie!