We all love celebrations! Party hats, streamers, cake and ice cream, presents and lots and lots of laughter! Coming together to celebrate is also a wonderful way to get together with family and friends.
If I asked how many of you have celebrated a birthday or anniversary in the past 3 months, many of you would say you have! We just had a big birthday party for our daughters 15th birthday with a bunch of her friends. After all the teenagers finally left, and the cake was scraped off the floor and the final dish was put away...I wondered to myself, "why do we celebrate these things anyway?" One of the reasons we celebrate such events is to honor and remember that special day. The day someone was born or the day someone was united in marriage.
In last week's YOUR OPINION MATTERS POLL, I polled the readers the following question: "What is the last thing that you celebrated?" The top 3 answers were:
1. 25% of those voting said that they recently celebrated someones birthday!
2. Another 25% said they have celebrated an answer to prayer!
3. 8% voted and said that they have celebrated an anniversary!
No matter what you have recently celebrated, no doubt it was a time of rejoicing! One of the things that really surprised me about this weeks poll is that 0% (nobody) responded and said the last thing they celebrated was "their salvation". What a day that was when each of you bowed at an altar (or wherever you knelt) and asked Jesus to be Lord of your life. Such a celebration went on in heaven. There was rejoicing all over the golden streets that a prodigal had returned home!
1 Corinthians 13:6 "Love does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth."
From the very moment we close our Bible in the morning, nearly everything else that we will encounter for the day will be trying to lure us away from the Truths that we just read. The opinions of our co-workers or fellow students, the news reporters on television, the websites that we visit on the Internet - these and more will be working overtime to shape our mind on what is true and what is not true.
When we understand that God's Word is the Truth (and nothing but the Truth!), we will understand the meaning of "real life". The Bible holds the principles of what things really are or ought to be. God's ideals and instructions are the only pathways to attaining Truth. When we finally realize all of this and follow Him in obedience - that is surely something to rejoice about!
Each day with Jesus is a day worth celebrating! Have you accepted Christ to be your Lord of All? - then REJOICE, again I say REJOICE!
*If you are reading this post today and you have NOT accepted Christ as your Savior but would like to, it is very easy. God loved you SO MUCH that He sent His son Jesus to die for you so that you could have eternal life. (John 3:16) God knows that we ALL have sinned and come short of His Glory, (Romans 3:23) that is why He offers His gift of life freely (Romans 6:23). To receive God's gift of forgiveness and eternal life, all you have to do is confess that Jesus IS Lord and ask Him to forgive you of your sins. Because of your belief in Him, you are now set free! (Romans 10:9-10) If He is the Lord of your life ... let us know, so we can CELEBRATE with you!*
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1 week ago