I suppose Elijah understood this feeling. I doubt he was applying to be the new village clerk, but according to the Scriptures, Elijah was afraid and was found by God hidden away in a cave. (Read it in 1 Kings 19)
God asked Elijah a very important question...
God was not asking the question to find the answer. As we all know that God is all-knowing, however, He asked Elijah this question so Elijah would know the answer.
Sometimes questions are asked of us, like in an interview, to give us clarity and understanding. God may be asking you a simple question today, "What are you doing here?"
Take time today to reassess where you are in your walk with God and where He needs you to be. It may be time to change direction.
I'm not talking about changing jobs today, I'm talking about searching for His divine clarity in your life.

"What are you doing here, Elijah?" -God (1 Kings 19:9b)
God was not asking the question to find the answer. As we all know that God is all-knowing, however, He asked Elijah this question so Elijah would know the answer.
Sometimes questions are asked of us, like in an interview, to give us clarity and understanding. God may be asking you a simple question today, "What are you doing here?"
Take time today to reassess where you are in your walk with God and where He needs you to be. It may be time to change direction.
I'm not talking about changing jobs today, I'm talking about searching for His divine clarity in your life.