Today as I look for a post from the past to share, I stumbled upon this one from November 2010 that reminded me that even today we get so busy we can't hear God calling our name:
I am always busy. The truth be told, I would say that I am a modern day Martha. Busy with this, busy with that. I hardly ever take time to just sit and relax.
Sometimes I get so busy with things that I just tune everything out. The phone, the TV, the radio, the dogs, and yes, even sometimes the kids. The kids seem to know exactly what to do to get my attention when I am in one of my "zoned out" states. They will call my name...
"Mom?"... "MOM?"... "LAURIE!!"
The first two times usually does not get my attention, but when I hear the kids call me by my given name ... believe me, I listen then!
I hate to admit this, but sometimes in my time with the Lord, I also find myself "zoned out!" Instead of listening for His voice, I find myself just talking and talking about what is on my mind and in my heart. I go from one thing to another, never focusing on what He is trying to say to me. It is no wonder God has to call out my name sometimes...
"Daughter?" ..."DAUGHTER?" ..."LAURIE!!"
PSALM 46:10 "Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."
I need to sit at His feet more and just be still, it is in these quiet moments that I will be able to hear His very still voice. I do not want to miss out on what He is saying to me just because I cannot hear Him over my own voice.
How about you...Have you heard God calling your name lately?
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1 week ago