With such memorials in mind, how can we live our lives, in such a way, that the people that we influence and the accomplishments that we are a part of, live on even when every brick is grounded to dust? When every building is toppled and there is no human work left on which we can put a plaque upon?
Such a legacy, is exactly what I have been penning about for the past several weeks here on Wednesday Weekly Word. I have been studying this book on "Lasting Legacies" and each chapter has left a mark on my heart and a desire to be sure I am leaving a legacy that will lead others to Christ.
In last week's YOUR OPINION MATTERS POLL, I polled the readers the following question: "During my lifetime, I have spent the most time and effort building ..."
22% of those voting said that have spent time building their FAITH.
22% polled, voted that they have spent time building FAMILY.
22% answered the poll by saying that they have spent time building MEMORIES.
When it is all said and done ... we ALL can say that we are building towards something. We can honor people for their efforts, their work and even the amount of money that they contribute to a cause, but the ultimate legacy we can leave is in what we are contributing to the "building of the kingdom of God".
1 CORINTHIANS 3:5-9 "What, after all, is Apollos? And what is Paul? Only servants, through whom you came to believe - as the Lord has assigned to each his task. (6) I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow. (7) So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. (8) The man who plants and the man who waters have one purpose, and each will be rewarded according to his own labor. (9) For we are God's fellow workers; you are God's field, God's building."
Are you planting? Are you watering?
Are you believing?
Leaving a legacy to your loved ones may not be those tangible things that can be read in a courtroom by your lawyer in your will. Even those things can bring great memory and importance - but, the ultimate legacy you can leave are those things like humility, self control, faith, love, pure in heart, a woman of God, etc - these are the things that will leave a lasting impression on hearts forever.
This concludes my study of "leaving a lasting legacy". I hope that you have been challenged by God's Word as I have been. Next week I will begin a new study entitled "The Coming" - I'm not sure where this will take us but I know God will reveal something awesome in His scriptures! Please join me next Wednesday.
YOUR OPINION MATTERS POLL....please take time to vote in this week's poll. Your opinion really does matter!!
This was such a good series, bless you.
I have really enjoyed this study and this post does not disappoint!
From one recovering control freak to another...thank you for your sweet comment over at LWG today.
Love your blog by the way!
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