I am glad that you found your way here ... I will be hosting TT for the month of April. So settle in and make yourself at home.
This week I was thinking about the things that I "hope" for:
- I "hope" that the sun will come and stay for a day or two.
- I "hope" the accountant will say we won't have to pay in too much on our taxes.
- I "hope" that my son will call me this week.
- I "hope" that my friend will get out of the hospital this week.
"Every saint has a past - every sinner a future!" - ANONYMOUS
Now that describes an awesome future opportunity with hope! Even when the world seems dark, the future is bright for those who are looking to the Son.
PROVERBS 23:18 "There is surely a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off"
Never be afraid to hope!
I am thankful for the hope that we have in Jesus Christ.
How about you?
What are you thankful for today ...
go ahead and share it with us and link back your post in Mr. Linky below.
Thank you for sharing your grateful heart with us today!
Thank you for hosting Thankful Thursday. I look forward to this day every week and love hearing what God is doing in so many lives!
Such a nice thankful post, bless you for hosting.
I too am thankful for hope. Blessing this TT
Fantastic post! LOVE that you said the future is bright for those who look to the Son. Amen!
Blessings this beautiful Thursday.
Hi Laurie! Thank you for hosting TT. I've been away for so long that I didn't realise the change of hostess!
This is a great post! And I hope your son calls you and your accountant waives off your taxes ;-) Have a blessed TT!
Hope... It is what we have to cling to.. Girl. thanks for hosting. Hugs.
Thank you for being the host :) I hope for so many things and I am thankful I have HOPE in GOD.
Hi Laurie,
Hope is my favorite word.
I hope you have a wonderful week. Big hug.
First TT for me in awhile. Thanks for hosting. :-)
thank you for hosting TT. i like our topic today...HOPE. if we hope in God, we will never be put to shame.
Thank you for such a blessed post.
Thanks for hosting Thankful Thursday! Love your post...
thanks for hosting the TT for this month. Nice post for the first edition for the month.
Be blessed!
Thank you for hosting us Laurie! I HOPE you have a blessed day! :o)
I am so thankful too for the hope that we have in Jesus Christ. What a blessed hope that is!
Thank you for hosting Thankful Thursday, Laurie. I have not been able to post for a long time. It's good to be back. Take care and God bless!
Thank you for hosting! I look forward to "seeing" you each Thursday :)
Thanks for hosting today, Laurie, and for sharing Prov. 23:18! It's one of my favorite scriptures! OK, I have lots of favorite scriptures, but still ... I love this one, too.
Thanks for hosting!
I too am thankful for hope--that my hope is built on nothing less that Jesus' blood and righteousness and for my baby girl named Hope!
Oh yes, that HOPE! Thank you Jesus, for the hope we have in You! Thank you, Laurie, for hosting this site! God bless you this TT and every day!
Thank you Laurie for hosting. I'm glad I was able to connect with you. Blessings!
I felt I need to comment again... :)
I've been hopping from blog to blog and well, I miss the 'hope' as a topic! I read it here but did not thought of it as a theme...YET, you have no idea how this has lifted me up. I feel God has spoken to me through the whole Thankful Thursday community. I've been struggling with a lot of things the past weeks...and wow, once again, HOPE springs eternal. He is sending me a very good message through ALL of you...and I thank you and the whole community for being His instrument in reminding me that there is HOPE.
I'm quite late in posting my TT but so glad to be able to make it for I have so much to thank God . Thank you for hosting TT..I'm so blessed by it..Have a nice day!
Great post and topic, Laurie. Thank you for hosting thankful Thursday today.
This was encouraging to read. I'm happy to have found your blog.
Great post and topic! One of my favorite subjects! HOPE! God bless you!
Beelieve You Can!
Psalm 18:29
I'm looking forward to getting to know your blog better as we do Thankful Thursday this month.
Spring is always a season that is filled with hope.
Thanks for hosting this week, Laurie! Thanks for the theme of Hope, too.
Thank you for writing about hope. I am hopeful for all that God is and will do in my life.
I love that verse from proverbs and I am so thankful that my hope is in the Son! Thank you for hosting and for the great post.
I too am thankful for the hope we have in Christ! Thanks so much for hosting us... I linked in twice b/c I realized my first link was not to my TT post... sorry about that!
Without Jesus, there truly is no hope. I can't imagine life without Him. Thanks for doing this meme. This is my first week participating. I love doing these things and getting to know other bloggers.
Amen to that Laurie. Hope is beautiful, especially that have a hope that can not disappoint...I have been reflecting on the cross this month - what it truly means and what He went through to give me a future hope :)
Thank you for hosting Thankful Thursday - I am glad that it did not 'die'...
(((hugs))) and love,
I praise God for what you wrote/post, I am greatly encourage! May the Lord bless you greatly!
Keep the good work for HIS glory!
I need to meditate on never giving up on hope. Thank you for this post!
Thanks for hosting this week. The theme of Hope was a great choice.
Thanks for hosting this month! And thanks for keepingMr. Linky up. I'm behind! :)
Thank you for being such a wonderful Thankful Thursday hostess =)
Thanks for sharing your hopes,too.
You are truly a blessing to others.
I know you don't hear from me as often, but I think about you all the time and pray all is well with you and your family. How is Jeremy? Karl is doing really well. He plans to visit the end of May before his dad deploys. We can hardly wait! We miss him so much. I miss you!!
Hi! I came from a blog where they wrote about the things that hope and thank for last Thursday. I hope I can join in since I always post (as often as I can) the 5 things I thank for everyday at one of my blogs. And since I am late for this week, I'd love to join next Thursday! :-) Currently, my latest post was for "Blog Your Blessings Sunday".
Have a happy week!
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