I am so glad that you joined us this week as we offer up praise and thanks to our Heavenly Father. What a week it is to offer praise during resurrection week!
I am so glad that you joined us this week as we offer up praise and thanks to our Heavenly Father. What a week it is to offer praise during resurrection week!
SACRIFICE...What is sacrifice? And where does sacrifice begin?
At home? My husband and I have sacrificed for our children over the years. Sacrifices that they are not aware of. The times that we went without things so they could have new shoes to wear, get a badly needed haircut or get that new toy that they were just itching to buy. Sacrifices that were made to give up things so we could buy them a cell phone or help pay their car insurance. This is sacrificial love.
For our Country? Sacrifices are being made each and every day by men and women serving our country in the armed forces. This sacrifice is not something new. It has been going on for decades. Men and women sacrificially giving of their life's. Their time. Sacrificing time with their families. These sacrifices I never understood fully until my son joined the Air Force and now serves overseas, sacrificing everything, including the first year of his marriage to his new bride. This is sacrificial love!
For all mankind? If you knew that suffering and death was at the end of the road that you were traveling down, would you keep going down that road? Most of us would turn around and go the opposite direction as quickly as possible. But not Jesus. He knew exactly where the road was going to take Him, but yet He chose to walk the road. Now, this is sacrificial love!
For our Country? Sacrifices are being made each and every day by men and women serving our country in the armed forces. This sacrifice is not something new. It has been going on for decades. Men and women sacrificially giving of their life's. Their time. Sacrificing time with their families. These sacrifices I never understood fully until my son joined the Air Force and now serves overseas, sacrificing everything, including the first year of his marriage to his new bride. This is sacrificial love!
For all mankind? If you knew that suffering and death was at the end of the road that you were traveling down, would you keep going down that road? Most of us would turn around and go the opposite direction as quickly as possible. But not Jesus. He knew exactly where the road was going to take Him, but yet He chose to walk the road. Now, this is sacrificial love!
Jesus was not a victim who was caught by surprise by cruel people out to get Him. He walked into the death trap laid for Him fully aware of what was ahead. Jesus offered Himself willingly as a sacrifice for sin. "No one can take My life from Me," said Jesus. "I sacrifice it voluntarily." (John 10:18)

Today, I give thanks and honor to the One who was so willing to sacrifice everything for a sinner such as I. How about you? What are you thankful for today on this Resurrection week Thankful Thursday? Please post about it and leave your link here in Mr. Linky so we can all rejoice with you!

Great topic this week dear.
thanks for hosting and nice thankful post.
Thanks for hosting Thankful Thursday; it's my favorite day of the week.
And thanks for your post; it was great!
A beautiful post, Laurie, for this Holy Week. I just can't think of anything greater than the sacrifice our Lord made for us!
A great day to speak about sacrifical love- none shown greater than that of our Savior. Blessings and have a wonderful Resurrection Week.
Joyfully praising the sacrifical love of Christ.
Hi Laurie, That was a wonderful and inspiring post. Thank you and have a great week.
It's so hard to fathom just how much He loved us... to sacrifice Himself for me! Amazing! Great post... God bless you...
A beautiful and meaningful post. Thanks for hosting TT, Laurie. God bless!
Great post. Thanks for sharing and hosting.
For some reason the Mr. Linky isn't showing up for me...so here's my link!
Laurie, Thanks for hosting. Great post. Thinking about the sacrifice of what Jesus did for me causes me to love and worship Him even more. Blessings on you as you celebrate the Resurrection!
Hi Laurie,
This was my first Thankful Thursday post. I was a little off topic. Sorry! Thanks for hosting.
Thank you for hosting it, I have enjoyed participating in the past and I hope to do it more often...
Have a Blessed Easter.
Thanks for hosting. This is such a great theme again this week.
Laurie, that was an awesome post. It's hard to think of anything to add to it!
God bless!
Last night I went to the Passover
meal. Parts of different movies were shown. Then they showed they showed part of the Passion, my Mel
Gibson. My heart was so moved.
This Easter I will be spending my day with my mother. She is getting worse and loosing part of her understanding. Please put her
on your prayer list along with mine as I do not know what to expect this weekend.
Oh so very true. Thanks again for hosting this week. I always love reading your posts - so thoughtful and thought provoking. Have a blessed Easter!
I'm so grateful to God for His sacrificial love for us. Because of this we're saved from eternal condemnation..I thank God also for the sacrificial love of our parents to us 14 children...I can't help crying thinking of how much they sacrificed for us just to see us us all happy and contented.
Thank you! ♥
Great post! Thanks for hosting.
Beautiful beautiful post on this most Holy day.
So very much to be thankful for this Thursday.
Blessings to your family this week and always.
Great post. Have a blessed Easter.
Perfect theme for this week, Laurie! Thanks so much for hosting. When I think of all the sacrifices made for me by those who love me, especially the One who loves me, I am humbled. Just humbled. Great post!
Wonderful Topic!! Thank you!
Have a wonderful week!
Thank you for hosting TT again this week! And thanks for "making" me think hard for my post. This week's was especially good for me to write. Happy Resurrection Day to you and yours!
I appreciated this post very much.
Thank you for hosting us, Laurie!
Have a blessed weekend.
Thanks for sharing. God is so good and faithful to all.
His sacrifice really is great and awesome
Great post I feel the same way may we always remember what he did for us so that we can share with others
I thought I won't be able to participate this week but Praise God I'm here!!
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