I looked up the word "authenticity" in Webster, it says: the condition or quality of being authentic, trustworthy or genuine.
What can we find in this world that is actually authentic? It seems like everything is artificial these days. artificial sweetener, artificial water, artificial grass, artificial flowers.

When you think about it, only God can make a flower. Silk blossoms, as beautiful as they can be, are only lifeless fakes. People can take seeds and cultivate new varieties of flowers, but in the end all they are really doing is altering the seeds and plants that God created in the first place.
Despite all of the modern technology and knowledge, no one on earth can produce, from scratch, a single living, growing flower capable of producing energy through photosynthesis, nourishing other living things, and reproducing itself. As much as one attempts....the true authenticity of a created flower belongs to only one Creator...God our Creator.
GENESIS 1:1,2 "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. (2) The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. and the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters."
What is authentic about God and His creation?
- He was
- He is
- He always will be
He is the real deal. His love and forgiveness is genuine. It is trustworthy. It is authentic!
The proof of His authenticity are His fingerprints that are left all over creation. All we have to do is open our eyes and look around.
ROMANS 1:20 "From the time the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky and all that God made. They can clearly see His invisible qualities -His eternal power and divine nature." NLT
Today, I am grateful for the authenticity of God's creation, the Authenticity of His love and His authenticity of forgiveness. Won't you join me, my friend IRIS and all other THANKFUL THURSDAY Participants as we give thanks today. Find other thankful hearts HERE!
I am thankful for your authentic thankful post! God is truly authentic! Happy TT!
Such a great post sweetie.
Wow, Laurie,
I wanted to stand and applaude after these words...
He was
He is
He always will be
Amen. Girl. Amen.
Thank you for this fabulous post this TT. Have a great day. Hugs.
i have to read this word over and over again... AUTHENTIC. i have to remind myself that GOD is authentic. His love and faithfulness are authentic. i sat back and said a prayer. thank you for this word. God bless you, laurie.
Wow. What an awesome post. This one truly touched my heart.
Lovely post!
Laurie, I forgot to mention this in my comment to you earlier. I posted something in reference to pastor's families on my TT post today. :-)
He was
He is
He will always be...how thankful I am for that! Thank you for this beautifully authentic post!
God bless your thankful heart!
All praise to our Authentic God! Awesome post, Laurie! Thanks for the visit this morning - your sweet words brought joy to my heart. Happy Thankful Thursday!
Laurie this was an awesome post. Authenticity is such a major in our Christian walk. Thanks for your encouragement.
Great reminder of how blessed we really are to have the opportunity to serve such an awesome, authentic God who will never fool us like the imitations of this world. Thanks for always sharing your heart.
Love you!
Love this Laurie. Amen and Amen!!
Thanks, too, for the encouraging comments you left today! I needed to hear it! :)
I remember hearing about a place in Florida (probably a theme park and this was 15 years ago)that had "created" a "living TREE." The media and everyone was so amazed at the authentic"ness" of this man-made thing.
Frankly, the whole display made me sick and sad. There is much to be said on so many levels for the REAL Thing! Only GOD can make a tree. Good Grief!
Thank you for the reminder!
Happy Thankful Thursday!
I remember hearing about a place in Florida (probably a theme park and this was 15 years ago)that had "created" a "living TREE." The media and everyone was so amazed at the authentic"ness" of this man-made thing.
Frankly, the whole display made me sick and sad. There is much to be said on so many levels for the REAL Thing! Only GOD can make a tree. Good Grief!
Thank you for the reminder!
Happy Thankful Thursday!
Truly a wonderful post and bring joy to my heart.
Hey Laurie,
What a great post. Thank God we do have something that is real in our lives.
Thanks for stopping by today!!
He's the real thing! No artifical additives, no fluff. The Creator, the Beginning and the End!
Praise You, Lord!
Amen to that, Laurie. I think that is why I love photography so much...Capture the beauty He has created around us. I think that sometimes we often rush through life without taken the surroundings in.
Thank you so much for sharing your grateful heart with us.
Blessings to you and yours.
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