Monday, October 27, 2008

AT THE WELL...arise and shine

Today's topic over AT THE WELL is "Arise and shine - being an exceptional Mother in the midst of the ordinary". LISA is our leading host. She has asked us the following discussion questions...

1. What daily tasks seem mundane or monotonous to you?

2. How can we change our outlook when completing these tasks?

3. What impact do these tasks have on our husband and children? How does it make a difference in their lives?

4. Is it okay to focus on earthly recognition when completing these tasks for our loved ones, or is receiving an eternal reward sufficient? What does Jesus think is more important? Should that be our focus, as well?

Today's topic is certainly one that is challenging, while at the same time soul searching. I have had to sit back and ask myself. "am I an ordinary Mother or am I considered extraordinary?" All of us want to think that everything we do is "extraordinary", even if it is in our mind. But the reality of it is - at times we tend to be just "ordinary".

Webster defines "ordinary" as":
  • usual
  • of no exceptional degree or quality
  • average

Certainly, around the house we have things that may seem mundane or feel monotonous.

  1. It seems it does not matter if we get all of the laundry done - we have another chance tomorrow to do more!

  2. It doesn't matter how many times we wash the dishes - we will have another chance tomorrow to wash some more!

  3. It doesn't matter how many gallons of milk we buy - we will have another chance to replenish the empty jug.
Some things just never change. Some things remain the same.

Our attitude during these "same 'ole - same 'ole" routines can make a huge difference. A huge difference in us. A huge difference in our family. A huge difference in our life.

Tackling the unwanted pile of laundry with negativity ~ Complaining about the long list of chores to accomplish ~ Expressing frustration at the high prices at the grocery store ~ Angry because there is not enough time in the day to do it all ~ Wishing someone (anyone) would help out alittle around the house.

Understanding the call that God has placed on women will help you to have a better outlook. We can have a more positive take on the "day-in / day-out" madness in our life.

TITUS 2:3-4 " the older women likewise, that they be reverent in behaviour, not slanderers, not given much to wine, teachers of god things - (4) that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children.

In this passage - God is pointing us to the role of a mother. We are called to "love our children." Love is the highest blessing in an earthly home - this is the place that God has placed the wife and the mother.

If we are called to "love our children" - what does it mean to love them?

This kind of love is the same kind of love God calls us to display for our husbands. It is a "phileo" love ~ a friendship love. Literally, God is calling mothers to be CHILDREN -LOVERS! Such love will flow out of the heart of a godly woman, who will then extend Christ's love to her family.

Once we accept this high calling God has placed on us as godly wives and mothers, our attitude for remaining "ordinary" will change. We will no longer look at mundane chores negatively but we will look upon it as expressing love. We will pick up the mantel to love our family by serving them.

There are several examples of loving mothers in the Bible.

  1. Jochebed - a mother who deeply cherished her baby. She was the mother of baby Moses.
  2. Hannah - mother of Samuel - her loving instruction deeply rooted into Samuel's character.
  3. Mary - the mother of Jesus. She was favored and chosen by God.
  4. Eunice - the godly mother of Timothy. She passed on the genuine faith to her son.
  5. Lois - the grandmother of Timothy, Eunice could not have passed the faith without Lois first passing it to her.
What great examples of mothers who faithfully and lovingly taught and trained their precious children. We should all be touched and spurred on as we contemplate the awesome role and responsibility that God has given us as mothers. The impact that we can have on our children, in our home, for the cause of Christ is phenomenal!

When it is all done and said - we will have another chance to do the chores all over again tomorrow but raising our family... loving them... serving them... and guiding them to Christ - sometimes we only get one chance to do this. What a high calling we have each and every day.


"Leave your mark on the world by leaving behind a child who grows up to love and serve the Lord....who then also raises godly children to continue your godly legacy for generations to come." -Elizabeth George, author

For other thoughts on this topic of "Arise and Shine", please visit Lisa and all of the other At The Well participants. Find it HERE!


LauraLee Shaw said...

I learned so much in this post. Your gift for teaching always ministers to me. I appreciate the fact that you challenged me with incredible examples, yet gave me grace to grow into at the end. What a hard balance to demonstrate, but you did so effetively. Thank you!

Kim @ Homesteader's Heart said...

I loved reading your heart on this matter today. Thank you for sharing.
Blessings to you.

Anonymous said...

Excellently put! I love the Biblical examples of women who were "extraordinary," too! Thanks!! :)

Lisa Metzger

Joyfull said...

Wonderful post. Thanks for the encouragement to put things into balance, the work will always be there, but our time to love and train our children is limited. Loved also the biblical examples.

Laurie Ann said...

Wonderful post, Laurie! I caught myself nodding my head yes several times. So much encouragement, wisdom and teaching found here...I loved the listing of mothers in the Bible. How great was that? Excellenent!

Betsy Markman said...

Another inspirational entry on this topic! Thanks for sharing!

june said...

Good morning,

Your comment was so timely. I loved the way you tied the mothers
into this Bible Study.


Blessed Among Women said...

Wow this was great! You're a wonderful teacher! I loved the examples and you comparing the time we have to do chores to the time we have with our family.

Melanie said...

Well said, my friend. The day to day "stuff" will still be here tomorrow, but we can't pass up even one opportunity to love on and spend time with those that are close to us.

Rebecca said...

"Understanding the call that God has placed on women will help you to have a better outlook." I think this is the key. I just could not fully embrace my role until I saw it as the calling of God for my life. Thanks for your teaching.