Lori from ALL YOU HAVE TO GIVE is leading us this week in our discussion over AT THE WELL. We are all seeking to be more like the Titus 2 woman and Lori reminds us of what Titus 2 says: "to be kind," and she asks each of us this..."but are we really as kind as we can be in our daily lives or are we so focused that we only see the interruptions, delays and inconveniences as frustrations instead of the opportunities that lie in them for God to reveal Himself."So today, the discussion around the Well goes like this....
- How do you handle interruptions in your days?
Do you plow right on over them missing opportunities God has placed on your path? - What interruptions frustrate you the most?
- How are you working to overcome that?
To Interrupt is to hinder or stop by breaking in upon.
The Greek Lexicon word for interrupt is EGKOPTO, which means to cut into, to impede one's course by cutting off his way, hinder .
Throughout the course of my day, I have many interruptions. Some days it starts before I even set foot out of the bed. No matter what plans the day may hold
, it can all come to a crashing halt when I hear these words before my sleepy eyes are even thinking about opening.."Mom, I don't feel good."
Those words are quickly followed by the thermometer verifying that my day is not going to go as planned.
If you have been hanging with me for any period of time here on my blog site, you know that I am OCD (
over compulsive disorder). I like order. I like having a plan. I like lists. More than anything, I like to cross things off of my list.
When things go "bump" - it sometimes frustrates me because I will not be able to accomplish what I had set out to accomplish. Getting upset, frustrated or anxious does not fix any of it so the only thing reasonable to do is REARRANGE! I may have to rearrange my "to do" list, rearrange the importance of what is on my list and many times I may have to rearrange my entire day.
- ~Sick kids~
- ~car in the shop~
- ~sibling having an unexpected surgery~
- ~boss called in sick...can you do the sales meeting?~
- ~tractor/trailer accident on freeway, traffic jammed for hours~
- ~can't find your car keys~
We have all had one of those "Egkopto" days -a day that things "cut into" our agenda. Hindrances get in our way of accomplishing our plans. When this happens, we often times forget that our plans are not always His plans.
ISAIAH 55:9 "For as the heavens are higher than the earth; so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts."
We have to stop and REALIZE that God may have a reason to alter our day...
If your car had not been in the shop....you may have been involved in the tractor/trailer accident on the freeway on the way to work!
If your boss had led the sales meeting, you would not have had the chance to meet with Susan for lunch afterwards and you would have missed out sharing about Christ with her.
RECHARGE. When the delays, inconveniences and interruptions pop up, it is my prayer that I have already recharged my spirit. If I hadn't ...then it will be much more difficult to handle my circumstances. It will be much easier to get grumpy. I most likely will get angry. Frustrated. Most definitely I will become anxious. It is so easy for us become hindered by things, and circumstances and not spend time with our Father.
ROMANS 15:22 "For this reason I also have been much hindered from coming to you."
When your heart and spirit are recharged with His Spirit - it will be much easier to rearrange and realize that interruptions, delays and inconveniences are part of tweaking our christian character.
Go ahead....make my day!
Thank you
for joining in on the TITUS 2 weekly study. We meet around The Well each Monday. Chelsey posts our topic for the week HERE, why not join in on the discussion! You can visit LORI and see what others have to say about their interruptions, delays and inconveniences.
Awesome post! Loved the R points. Thanks for a very encouraging post today!
"We have to stop and REALIZE that God may have a reason to alter our day..."
So true and something to really keep in mind. I need to always remember my life is about HIS will not mine. If He decided to change things up in my day I need to remember to be obedient to His will and find out how to glorify Him through those changes. Great post :)
Laurie...I LOVE this..
Recharge and then I'm going to add...recognize...
what does God want me to recognize in this..
Girl we come from the same mold...planner, list checker-offer...(I've been known to ADD things I've done to the list, just so that I can check them off...:)yep, that's me!)
I loved reading your words today...wonderfully wise!
Peace to you!
Thank you for joining me at The Well!
I love the 3 R's! I will definitely spend some time thinking on that! Great post, Laurie!
What a great perspective: that God allows inconveniences to tweak our Christian character. Can't argue with that. I can always use a little tweaking here and there. Nice to hear from you today.
Thank you for sharing At The Well today sister Laurie!
This is most DEFINITELY true for me:
"It is so easy for us become hindered by things, and circumstances and not spend time with our Father."
It's not only obvious to me, but sadly to everyone else. :-( But praise be to God who restores all things and gives us all a second, third, (in my case) a million chances! :-)
Bless you!
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