Where do you go when
you are in trouble?
Where do you go to get help?
This week, I heard the cutest story told about my friends 3rd grade Sunday school class. My friend, the teacher, posed the question...
"what do you do when you are in trouble?"
After a few moments, a boy answered, "CALL COREY B TROTZ!"
Now if you are not from the Memphis area, COREY B TROTZ is an ad that runs on our local TV channel for an attorney that proposes to get anyone out of any jam!
Tomorrow I will be teaching a Sunday school lesson on this very subject..."My help"...where do we go when we are troubled?
The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir sings a great rendition of MY HELP, and today on THEN SINGS MY SOUL SATURDAY, I wanted to share it with you. It has ministered to my heart and spirit all week. It is my prayer, that if your heart is troubled today and the weight of the world rests on your shoulders, that you will allow Gods love and His Holy Spirit to be your help in trouble!
Thank you AMY over at SIGNS, MIRACLES and WONDERS who graciously leads us each week in Then Sings My Soul Saturday. Want to find out about other great songs of worship? CLICK HERE.
(before playing the video...please scroll down to my blog music (on the side bar) and MUTE it first, otherwise you will have 2 different songs playing at one time)
Blessings Laurie, My Help comes from the Lord! But look at the influence media has especially commercials. WOW! Even more than SS! or parents...or pastor...
aMazing! But you can't go wrong with Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir!
However with 3rd graders....I would try something else(lol)!
Thank you for reminding us when the weight is too heavy that we have the Holy Spirit within to help us bear and have power to rise up! May your weekend be enjoyable and God's favor &
protection be upon you& yours!
I think all too often we look in the wrong places for the help we need, when the only TRUE help does indeed come from our Lord.
Oh Laurie,
What a touching story!! How precious.
I didn't realize you were in Memphis!
I go up there every 6 months to bring my son to the Jude for scans.
Hope you have a great weekend♥
Hey Laurie,
I couldn't get the video to play but I loved your post!
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