It doesn't matter if you sit on the platform on Sunday morning or if you teach a Sunday school class.
It doesn't matter if you sing in the choir or if you take up the offering.
It doesn't matter if you work in the nursery or if you mow the church yard.
It doesn't matter if you help fold the bulletins or if you visit the sick.
It doesn't matter the capacity of your role in your local church...
We are all CALLED to be leaders and we are leading others to Christ (or away from) by our acts of love and attitude of leadership. No matter our age, our race or our status - we are leading someone somewhere! People are watching, observing and copying our every move. When you lead...who is following you?

In the world, leadership is based upon power and authority. It is designed to benefit the leader and it places him above others. A godly leader should be doing all they can do to help other Christians reach their full potential in Christ.
Mark 10:43-45
“Yet it shall not be so among you; but whoever desires to become great among you shall be your servant. And whoever of you desires to be first shall be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.”
These verses show that godly spiritual leaders do not have the attitudes of leaders in the world.
1. If we DRIVE people, we will DRIVE them until they can get out of our way.
2. If we LEAD people, we will be able to LEAD them as far as we have gone ourselves.
3. If we SERVE people, we will help each person develop their full God given potential and equip each person for the ministry that Christ has prepared for every Christian.
Do you DRIVE, LEAD or SERVE in your leadership style?
We are reminded today that as we lead, someone is following. I pray your influence on those around you are leading them to their full potential in Christ!
and that's a piece of my heart today;
Great word today Laurie. I really like the 3 types of true they are!
Those were great and uplifting words!! Makes a great bookmark too! Lol.
I love how you work around the theme of cleaning up though I have so gotta check out the Clorax Clean Up. With kids and two dachshunds, additional cleaning supplies are always helpful
Praying you have a wonderful day!
good word and timely reminder for me. thank you
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