Lisa poses a question for us today over at the well..."how do we prepare our homes for Daddy's homecoming" I loved what she had to share with us about hospitality...
Hospitality is a “cordial and generous reception; an act or service of welcoming; hospitable treatment, reception, or disposition; hospitality constitutes a key ingredient of family life.” Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “Hospitality [is] a little fire, a little food, and an immense quiet.”
Have you ever considered that your home should be a place for you to be hospitable to your husband?
In today's society, I am fully aware that in our homes, we are no June Cleavers! Many
of us, as women, have many responsibilities upon our shoulders. Not only are we tending to the children, but we are running the kiddos to school and ball practice; we are grocery shopping; planning the menu; cooking; doing the laundry; and most of us are working outside of the home part time or full time. So if you think I am suggesting that we parade around in our high heels as we take out the pot roast from the oven just as our man walks in the door from work...Well, sort of, that is what I am suggesting.

What could you do that would make your man feel welcome when he walks in the front door after a long, hard day at the office?
*Greet him with high heels on? well, maybe not high heels...but have you combed your hair all day or brushed your teeth since lunch? Make an effort to greet your man with style and look pleasing for him.
*Pot roast in the oven? OK, maybe you had a long day at work also and you did not have time to cook a pot roast before he came home, but you can have a plan ready for dinner. Even if it is chicken salad. Don't wait until 5:00 pm to think about what's for dinner.
*Running late? Do the kids have you running? Ball practice at 6:00, band practice at 7:00, pick up school supplies at wal-mart at 8:00. Do you overbook yourself and find it hard to find time for you and hubby? Involve your sweetie in some of the running, so he won't feel left out or abandoned. Some of the best "talking" times is in the aisles of wal-mart.
Showing hospitality to others is easy for me. I will bake a cake for a sick friend, visit the elderly in the hospital, pick up my neighbors son from daycare, invite the new couple from church over for dinner...but somehow finding time to be hospitable to my husband is difficult.
"Be kindly affectioned one to another in brotherly love; give preference to one another in honor; not lagging behind in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord; rejoicing in hope, persevering in tribulation, devoted to prayer, contributing to the needs of the saints, practicing hospitality.” Romans 12:10-13
As I pursue to be more of a Titus 2 woman, I pray this prayer over my relationship with my husband -that I will give him preference and honor; that I will be diligent in serving him and meeting his needs. "Lord, help me to be more hospitable to the man you gave to me!"
Why not join me over AT THE WELL and see what the other ladies are saying about this subject. FIND MORE HERE!
As ALWAYS, wonderful words of wisdom. Thanks for sharing today At the Well!
I was blessed by this post, thank you sweetie.
You said: "that I will give him preference and honor; that I will be diligent in serving him and meeting his needs." What a great thing to pray!
Hope you have a great week!
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