Today as I share a piece of my heart with you, keep in mind that there is only ONE way to the Father...
Last week, my husband and I went with my son and his bride to the airport. It was somewhat of a sad day as we had to say goodbye to our son who was going overseas to serve our country in Korea for the next 13 months. Once he got checked in at the airport counter, we had a pleasant surprise... the airlines gave all of us security clearance and allowed us to go to his gate with him and wait there with him.

It was a wonderful gesture on the Delta airlines to give us more time with our son.
I have been thinking all week about that "security clearance" ticket that we received and I wonder how many people are living day to day without Christ and thinking that in the end that they will get a "security clearance" ticket to enter heaven.
I have been friends for the past 17 years with someone who is a very good person....
-She is kind.
-She is giving.
-She is loving.
-She obeys the law.
-She is an awesome Mom.
-She gives money to charity.
-She doesn't cuss.
-She doesn't drink.
-She is faithful to her husband.
Despite all the good that my friend does, there is one element missing in her life...she does not have a personal relationship with Christ.
Doing good does not make you any more of a Christ follower, than drinking tea makes you southern. You must know Him personally!! There will be no "passes" given out for good behavior at the pearly gates.
1 JOHN 4:15
"Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him, and he in God."
JOHN 14:6
" Jesus said, I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me."
Don't wait...today is your day!
Dear Lord, I am a sinner. I am asking you to forgive me of my sins. I believe that You sent Your Son to die for me and I receive Your forgiveness today. Please wash me white as snow and help me to live a life that is pleasing to You. I ask You now to live in me and guide me to be all I can be with You. AMEN
It's that simple. If you have prayed this sinners prayer - you now possess your "security clearance" ticket to heaven. May you be empowered with His grace as you walk forward from this day on! See you there!!
Amen, Laurie! I was writing today on the subject of "blessing" and it all begins with giving our heart to the Lord. YOu know, no matter how deep I dive for those pearls in God's Word, no matter how much time I spend pressing in, no matter how much time I pray in the Spirit or with my understanding, andno matter how lacks or unfaithful I may be at any given moment, I never get tired of hearing the salvation message. Thanks for posting this. I pray people that don't have that "security clearance" come by this post of yours. They will feel the love you put in it, I know. They will sense the mercy here and see the truth in what you say.
Oh, another take on your "security clearance ticket"... you found favor with man...because you are God's child and you obviously do walk in mercy and truth.
I continue to hold Jeremy, his new bride, and family up in prayer.
Doublefold AMEN!!! Do I have security clearance???
Awwww Laurie...you are too quick for me! And you are way down in the W's...any hoo...You know the surprise...at least the part I'm working on 1st...Please come over and pick up the Sharing the Love Award if you missed it on my anniversary because of the wedding jitters AND now the new one I would like to honor you with
the FRIENDSHIP AWARD!!! Blessings!
Hi Laurie...
Please Stop back and visit with me...there IS something special waiting for you...YOU ARE #7 in 2nd recipient group! It is my turn to honor YOU though you have so many awards, allow me to honor YOU! Sharing the Love &
Friendship too!
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