Thursday, January 28, 2010

THANKFUL THURSDAY...heart condition

This week my friend had to go to the hospital for some heart tests. She went in to have a heart cath done to be sure there was no blockage. Before they came to take her for the test, I told her that the only thing that they would find is that she had a beautiful heart. My friend is the most giving, caring and self-LESS person I know, and I just knew that nothing could be wrong with HER heart. (and she got a good report ... no blockage! PTL!)

After hearing her good report, I was thinking about that test that she had done. And I contemplated the condition of MY heart. If my heart was checked out by the Physician,The Great Physician ... that is, what would the report come back as? Would my heart pass all of the tests or would there be some areas of unforgiveness, or sin, or pride found? Would there be some "trust" blockage keeping me from trusting in God?

PROVERBS 3:5 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not
lean on your own understanding."

I am thankful for doctors who are trained to correct heart conditions, but I am eternally thankful for the Great Physician who heals every part of my heart. I can trust Him completely, with every breath I take and every beat that my heart beats!

What is the condition of your heart today?

LYNN is hosting THANKFUL THURSDAY this week. Please share your grateful heart with us today by linking up over at her site. May your heart be healthy and beautiful as you rejoice in His goodness today!


debi9kids said...

WOW! This spoke volumes to me. thank you for posting this.

grace said...

My heart beats for Jesus!

jo.attalife said...

Yes, that is indeed something to look at -- the state of our hearts. I'm thankful for this meme because it reminds me to pause and be grateful for the little things that I normally take for granted. Thanks.
I'm thankful for you.

Denise said...

Such a lovely post.

Pia said...

as the song of michael w. smith goes,

"I'm deep in love with You, Abba Father
I'm deep in love with You, Lord
My heart, it beats for You, precious Jesus
I'm deep in love with You Lord"

i'm going to be fine. my heart is doing A-ok.

Rocks said...

Praise God I have a normal working heart :) My dad though has slight heart problems but with God's grace he's doing fine :)

happy Thankful thursday!

Jennifer at Shoreline Journeys said...

What a great post, and a lot to think about!

Debbie said...

Oh Laurie ANOTHER really good anaology...I have thought that before that "my heart" has had some surgery done for sure. By the Great Physician!! There was a lot of work to do. But His surgeries are always sucessful, and His healing methods perfect. I have a brand new heart thanks to HIM...Glad your friend got a good report. Have a great day. Blessings, Debbie
I've got a couple of prayer requests I mentioned on my last couple of posts if you get the chance to check them out and pray I'd be most appreciative. Thank you!

Melissa said...

Wonderful post! Thanks for sharing this message, and for doing so in such eloquent words. Happy TT to you!

annies home said...

what a wonderful deed. I praise the Lord for all he does and know that he can take care of all as well. Thank you for this post that reminds us so wonderfully of how you do this

Debbie Petras said...

I'm so glad your friend got a good report on her cardiac cath. My heart condition is good but only because Jesus covers me with His righteousness.


sharon said...

wow! This post was deep and I am right now contemplating the state of my heart. Thanks for sharing and God bless you!

becky aka theRAV said...

This a beautiful post! I especially liked what you told your friend. It gives us all somethng to ponder... Thanks.

Unknown said...

Oh Laurie,

Great thoughts... And your heart is also beautiful because it is filled with Jesus.

Hugging you. Lynn