I love to see a grateful heart. It sometimes is my motivation to do more for someone. But truly, is it really my place to reward gratitude?
God notices the grateful heart. Remember how He took a praise-singing shepherd boy and made him a king?
1 Corinthians 11:23 "On the night He was betrayed, the Lord Jesus took some bread and gave thanks to God."
It isn't often you see word...s like "betrayed" and "thanks" in the same sentence. Or even in the same heart. Even in the darkest hour, Jesus gave thanks.
? for easily do you give thanks?
It's easy for us to be grateful for the light but Jesus teaches us to also be grateful for the dark.
Whatever or wherever you find yourself...give thanks. God will notice and He will crown you with blessings
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Daily Devo...Giving thanks for the night
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Daily Devo...Daddy knows best.
To trust when we cannot even trace God is the ultimate test of our willingness to follow God. All of us have times when God asks us to step out into the unknown, to take a leap of faith, to go out on a limb.
? for today...what is God asking you to trust Him for?
Psalm 31:15 says, "My times are in Your hands."
Whatever you are facing today, God has already seen your circumstance from beginning to end. Trust Him today, for His ways are greater than our ways.
Daddy knows best.
Monday, December 9, 2013
Daily devo....Joy down in my heart
"I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart...where? Down in my heart...where? Down in my heart to stay."
The simplicity of our childhood, like this song, often escapes us as we get older. As a child, things seem simple, no worries, no burdens to carry, no hard decisions to make. Just joy.
As we get older, we equate joy with our situations. The harder life becomes, the l...ess joy we have. But deep inside each of us there is joy, some of us just push it further down.
Psalm 28:7 "The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and I am helped."
Joy gives us strength. It helps us through pain. It gives us hope. It reminds us Who were living for.
? for deep is your joy?
"I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart...where? Down in my heart...where? Down in my heart to stay."
The simplicity of our childhood, like this song, often escapes us as we get older. As a child, things seem simple, no worries, no burdens to carry, no hard decisions to make. Just joy.
As we get older, we equate joy with our situations. The harder life becomes, the l...ess joy we have. But deep inside each of us there is joy, some of us just push it further down.
Psalm 28:7 "The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and I am helped."
Joy gives us strength. It helps us through pain. It gives us hope. It reminds us Who were living for.
? for deep is your joy?
Monday, December 2, 2013
LACED WITH GRACE...The Peace of Christmas
Today I have shared a devotion with the readers of LACED WITH GRACE entitled "The Peace of Christmas". Please join me over there today...Click the following link:
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
THANKFUL THURSDAY...Do it continually!
Hello friends. I want to greet you with special Thanksgiving greetings. All year long, we meet here or over at my friend Iris's place to express our thanks and gratitude. Whether we do it once a week or just on this special day set aside, I must ask myself and ask you...Is it enough?
Giving praise to God is one of the best ways to express our thanks to God for all of His blessings but yet so many of us do not take the time to do it on a regular basis. I know, I know, I am preaching to the choir as most of you reading this today are regular Thankful Thursday readers and supporters. But I seriously have been pondering this thought, what kind of "thanking Him" routine do we have?
Is saying "grace" before we eat enough?
Is saying a bedtime ritual enough?
Is even expressing our top ten list at Thanksgiving enough?
In Hebrews 13:15, it says this...
Continually, you say? That does not mean just once a year or even once a day! It is implying that we offer thanks repeatedly, without interruption. David sums it up well in Psalms...
When is the last time you or I found ourselves up giving God praise at midnight? I can barely open my eyes to see the way to the bathroom, let alone, open my lips.
God is desiring for His children to develop a lifestyle of praise, offering thanks and praise for all He is and all He does, at ALL times. Continually.
Today is Thankful Thursday and I have had the privilege of hosting with my friend Iris for several years now. Due to some health issues going on within my family, this will be my last time to host TT for a short while. I will be back and until then, I will continually be thanking Him!
Giving praise to God is one of the best ways to express our thanks to God for all of His blessings but yet so many of us do not take the time to do it on a regular basis. I know, I know, I am preaching to the choir as most of you reading this today are regular Thankful Thursday readers and supporters. But I seriously have been pondering this thought, what kind of "thanking Him" routine do we have?
Is saying "grace" before we eat enough?
Is saying a bedtime ritual enough?
Is even expressing our top ten list at Thanksgiving enough?
In Hebrews 13:15, it says this...
"By Him therefore, let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to His name."
Continually, you say? That does not mean just once a year or even once a day! It is implying that we offer thanks repeatedly, without interruption. David sums it up well in Psalms...
"His praise shall continually be in my mouth. At midnight I will rise to give thanks unto Thee because of Thy righteous judgements." (Psalm 119:62)
When is the last time you or I found ourselves up giving God praise at midnight? I can barely open my eyes to see the way to the bathroom, let alone, open my lips.
God is desiring for His children to develop a lifestyle of praise, offering thanks and praise for all He is and all He does, at ALL times. Continually.
Today is Thankful Thursday and I have had the privilege of hosting with my friend Iris for several years now. Due to some health issues going on within my family, this will be my last time to host TT for a short while. I will be back and until then, I will continually be thanking Him!
Monday, November 25, 2013
We like the idea of change. Something appealing about starting over. Most people think if only they could move, life would be better. Or only if I had a mate or if only I had friends or if only, if only, if only.
A survey showed that 80 percent of American women ate dissatisfied with their appearance. If only we could look like Hollywood, if only, if only....
? for today...can we really change who we are, can we reinvent ourselves?
Changing ourselves requires a lot more than just changing our looks. We can change our looks, we can change where we live but we cannot change who we are in the inside. Only God can do that.
Jeremiah 17:9 says "The Human heart is the most deceitful things, and desperately wicked."
Woah...seems to me the only change that matters at the end of the day is the change God makes in us, anything else is really irrelevant. If only. If only we would ask God to change us!
A survey showed that 80 percent of American women ate dissatisfied with their appearance. If only we could look like Hollywood, if only, if only....
? for today...can we really change who we are, can we reinvent ourselves?
Changing ourselves requires a lot more than just changing our looks. We can change our looks, we can change where we live but we cannot change who we are in the inside. Only God can do that.
Jeremiah 17:9 says "The Human heart is the most deceitful things, and desperately wicked."
Woah...seems to me the only change that matters at the end of the day is the change God makes in us, anything else is really irrelevant. If only. If only we would ask God to change us!
Friday, November 22, 2013
LACED WITH GRACE...Whose plan is it anyhow?
I shared the following devotion with the readers of LACED WITH GRACE today....
No-one likes last minute changes. Whether it is the carpool schedule or a vacation cancellation, making changes really can mess us up.
It not only inconveniences us but last minute changes just messes up our plans.
As a pastors wife, I see it all of the time. Just change the order of service on Sunday and watch who all will get messed up because of your change. It will throw the worship team off. It will mess up the plans of the ushers. It may even throw the preaching off alittle bit.
But not all of our last minute changes is bad. In fact, sometimes changes that are unexpected can be good for us. Problem is that WE want to be in charge of the changes in our lives. God sometimes will make a last minute change in our life that may seem out in left field, but when He makes the changes, everything will always fall into place.
As a young woman, I had a dream to buy a house in a certain historical part of town. For years my dream did not happen until one day, God opened a door and my husband and I were able to purchase what we deemed our "dream" house in the historical area that we wanted. We thought we had everything that we ever dreamed of. We had each other. We had 2 sons. and now we had the house we would raise our kids in and retire in. Life was great!
Until a few years later, when God opened a door for my husband to take a job transfer with his company. 800 miles away from our dream!
I remember thinking, "How could God make these last minute changes?"
God does that sometimes. Nothing is last minute to Him though, every change and every detail is a very well thought out plan on His part. Even though we plan, we sort, we organize...God has a much bigger and more organized plan than we ever could. Sometimes God uses our life circumstances to change our plans so that He can use us in different situations.
Psalm 118:8 “It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.”
So, don't worry if plans get changed...whether you are the one who plans the schedule or the one who sings the Sunday morning special, trust God to use the last minute changes for something even better.
It is ok to make plans...but trust Him when He chooses to change them.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
THANKFUL is not about a day!
Dear Friends,
I wanted to speak to you from my heart today.
I am late getting my TT post up today as I just spent the past two days at hospitals, labs and doctor offices with our 18 year old daughter. To be honest with you I am drained physically from what this week has brought.
I woke up on Monday morning as usual, got dressed like usual, went to work like usual. Nothing out of the ordinary. But by late morning, everything about my ordinary day became un-ordinary and confused and scary and unsure.
My daughter's skin turned a strange green color and her fingers and toes went numb. She couldn't feel them. Within a short time she had difficulty breathing and had chest pains. My ordinary prayer now became an urgent prayer, as doctor after doctor looked at her in wonderment and confusion.
Today, as we still await test results on my daughter, I am reminded that even though this time next week we will all be celebrating Thanksgiving Day with our families, that Thanksgiving is not a is a condition of our heart.
Even in times of the un-ordinary...we CAN have an attitude of thanksgiving. I choose this day to give God praise and thanksgiving for EVERYTHING...the good, the bad, the ugly - the everything!
1 Thessalonians 5:18 "Give thanks in ALL circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."
Today I am hosting THANKFUL THURSDAY and today of all days, I have so much to give thanks for. I have been blessed with one more day to give Him praise and nothing will keep the praise due Him from my lips. Not sickness. Not bad doctor reports. NOTHING!
How about you...what are you thanking Him for today?
I wanted to speak to you from my heart today.
I am late getting my TT post up today as I just spent the past two days at hospitals, labs and doctor offices with our 18 year old daughter. To be honest with you I am drained physically from what this week has brought.
I woke up on Monday morning as usual, got dressed like usual, went to work like usual. Nothing out of the ordinary. But by late morning, everything about my ordinary day became un-ordinary and confused and scary and unsure.
My daughter's skin turned a strange green color and her fingers and toes went numb. She couldn't feel them. Within a short time she had difficulty breathing and had chest pains. My ordinary prayer now became an urgent prayer, as doctor after doctor looked at her in wonderment and confusion.
Today, as we still await test results on my daughter, I am reminded that even though this time next week we will all be celebrating Thanksgiving Day with our families, that Thanksgiving is not a is a condition of our heart.
Even in times of the un-ordinary...we CAN have an attitude of thanksgiving. I choose this day to give God praise and thanksgiving for EVERYTHING...the good, the bad, the ugly - the everything!
1 Thessalonians 5:18 "Give thanks in ALL circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."
Today I am hosting THANKFUL THURSDAY and today of all days, I have so much to give thanks for. I have been blessed with one more day to give Him praise and nothing will keep the praise due Him from my lips. Not sickness. Not bad doctor reports. NOTHING!
How about you...what are you thanking Him for today?
Thursday, November 14, 2013
THANKFUL THURSDAY...lingering in His presence
One of my favorite things of coming together with my church family is before or after service, lingering around the hallways fellowshipping with each other. It is the one time of the week that I can catch up with my brothers and sisters in Christ and receive encouragement from them.
I have noticed that sometimes it is easier to linger in the presence of our fellow believers than it is to linger in the presence of the One Who died for us.
Oh how I love (and long for) worship, enjoying His fresh touch. But often times, we are consumed with our time restraints and rush right out of our time with Him. Instead of just lingering in His presence, we brush right past and lose out on that special fellowship time with Him.
What I am thankful for today is that we have the freedom and liberty to worship Him anywhere, anytime. A freedom that not all countries experience. While I am thankful for it, it is my prayer today that I will stop, drop and roll .. stop what I am doing, drop to my knees and keep my praises rolling! May His fire consume me!
"Be still and rest in the Lord; wait for Him and patiently lean yourself upon Him." -Psalm 37:7
Today, I am hosting THANKFUL THURSDAY and I invite you to share what is on your grateful heart.
*I apologize that my TT post did not go thru last week. I just noticed that it didn't upload. Computers are great until they get glitzes in them. Glad you made your way back this week!
I have noticed that sometimes it is easier to linger in the presence of our fellow believers than it is to linger in the presence of the One Who died for us.
Oh how I love (and long for) worship, enjoying His fresh touch. But often times, we are consumed with our time restraints and rush right out of our time with Him. Instead of just lingering in His presence, we brush right past and lose out on that special fellowship time with Him.
What I am thankful for today is that we have the freedom and liberty to worship Him anywhere, anytime. A freedom that not all countries experience. While I am thankful for it, it is my prayer today that I will stop, drop and roll .. stop what I am doing, drop to my knees and keep my praises rolling! May His fire consume me!
"Be still and rest in the Lord; wait for Him and patiently lean yourself upon Him." -Psalm 37:7
Today, I am hosting THANKFUL THURSDAY and I invite you to share what is on your grateful heart.
*I apologize that my TT post did not go thru last week. I just noticed that it didn't upload. Computers are great until they get glitzes in them. Glad you made your way back this week!
Thursday, October 31, 2013
DAILY DEVO...How is your spam filter doing?
I really hate spam mail. It is so time consuming to delete it but luckily I have good software that allows my computer to filter the phony emails.
Wish we could have that kind of filtering in our lives. Satan tries to use the same tactics as spam mail...offering us things that might fix things, but only making things worse.
Jesus gives me reassurance that satan has no power over me...
"Go Satan! For it is written, 'You shall worship the Lord your God and serve Him only.'" - Jesus (Matthew 4:10)
? for today...what kind of spiritual spam protection do you have?
Don't fall for the plots and schemes of the enemy. He is a liar and he has NO power over you! Tell him to get behind you!
Wish we could have that kind of filtering in our lives. Satan tries to use the same tactics as spam mail...offering us things that might fix things, but only making things worse.
Jesus gives me reassurance that satan has no power over me...
"Go Satan! For it is written, 'You shall worship the Lord your God and serve Him only.'" - Jesus (Matthew 4:10)
? for today...what kind of spiritual spam protection do you have?
Don't fall for the plots and schemes of the enemy. He is a liar and he has NO power over you! Tell him to get behind you!
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
DAILY DEVO...Halloween, what are you going to do with it?
DID YOU KNOW that the yearly observance of Halloween amounts to a multi-billion dollar industry. Second only to Christmas!
I dont know what your take is on the traditions of halloween, I hope that if you are a Christian, that you recognize the pagan rituals that are associated with this holiday and you keep your distance.
I have heard the debates of whether Christians should tak...e part in this fall tradition, and whatever side of the fence you find yourself, I would like to share this scripture with you...
"I try to find common ground with everyone so that I might bring them to Christ." -1 Corinthians 9:22
No two people will always agree, but I believe that you can use opportunities like Halloween to bring the gospel to those who are lost.
What a great way to meet your neighbors as they go door to door. And no better opportunity than Halloween to talk to people about heaven and hell. Instead of handing out candy..why not hand out something more life altering like a Christian tract.
? for's Halloween time again...what will you do with it?
I dont know what your take is on the traditions of halloween, I hope that if you are a Christian, that you recognize the pagan rituals that are associated with this holiday and you keep your distance.
I have heard the debates of whether Christians should tak...e part in this fall tradition, and whatever side of the fence you find yourself, I would like to share this scripture with you...
"I try to find common ground with everyone so that I might bring them to Christ." -1 Corinthians 9:22
No two people will always agree, but I believe that you can use opportunities like Halloween to bring the gospel to those who are lost.
What a great way to meet your neighbors as they go door to door. And no better opportunity than Halloween to talk to people about heaven and hell. Instead of handing out candy..why not hand out something more life altering like a Christian tract.
? for's Halloween time again...what will you do with it?
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
DAILY DEVO...preparation time is not wasted time!
Have you ever been unprepared for a test?
How did that work out for You?...
David had a test to prepare for. Except in his case, his test was not one he could cram for the night before. David was destined to be the king of Israel, his entire life was his preparation for kingship. One test at a time.
Often times, we see tests as a waste of time, but spiritually speaking, every test is a way to equip us for "the good works that God has prepared beforehand." (Ephesians 2:10)
The funny thing about tests though, is you will only get out what you put in. If you don't try, you will probably fail. If you do your best and prepare, you will do better than you ever imagined.
? for well have you prepared for tomorrow's test? Not your history test...your life test!
"Be season and out of season."
How did that work out for You?...
David had a test to prepare for. Except in his case, his test was not one he could cram for the night before. David was destined to be the king of Israel, his entire life was his preparation for kingship. One test at a time.
Often times, we see tests as a waste of time, but spiritually speaking, every test is a way to equip us for "the good works that God has prepared beforehand." (Ephesians 2:10)
The funny thing about tests though, is you will only get out what you put in. If you don't try, you will probably fail. If you do your best and prepare, you will do better than you ever imagined.
? for well have you prepared for tomorrow's test? Not your history test...your life test!
"Be season and out of season."
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
DAILY DEVO...SHHHHH can you keep a secret?
Can you keep a secret?
Not everyone can, but Jesus' mother could. She spoke to angels, became pregnant as a virgin, was blessed by prophets, received gifts from Magi and escaped the genocide of firstborn sons.
By a very young age, Mary had alot of secrets. But she kept them to herself...
Luke 2:19 "But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart."...
Often times I think we miss out on a blessing from God because we are so eager to tell. Read about it in Matthew 6:1-4.
Some things just need to remain in our heart, not on facebook, not on the news, not even told to our closest friend. Some things are for God's ears only.
? for today...what little secret do you have for God today?
Can you keep a secret?
Not everyone can, but Jesus' mother could. She spoke to angels, became pregnant as a virgin, was blessed by prophets, received gifts from Magi and escaped the genocide of firstborn sons.
By a very young age, Mary had alot of secrets. But she kept them to herself...
Luke 2:19 "But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart."...
Often times I think we miss out on a blessing from God because we are so eager to tell. Read about it in Matthew 6:1-4.
Some things just need to remain in our heart, not on facebook, not on the news, not even told to our closest friend. Some things are for God's ears only.
? for today...what little secret do you have for God today?
Thursday, October 17, 2013
DAILY DEVO...rolling the eyes!
Attitude, attitude, attitude.
"I don't like your attitude!"
I sure heard that plenty growing up! Especially as a teen, my attitude stunk! I had the eye roll thing mastered. As we grow up, some of us only learn to hide the rolling eyes rather than learn to change our attitude....
Too many times we allow our circumstances to reflect thru our attitude, rather than allowing our attitude to reflect God.
? for today...what has your attitude been like today?
"I don't like your attitude!"
I sure heard that plenty growing up! Especially as a teen, my attitude stunk! I had the eye roll thing mastered. As we grow up, some of us only learn to hide the rolling eyes rather than learn to change our attitude....
Philippians 2:14,15 "Do all things without grumbling or questioning, that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world."
Too many times we allow our circumstances to reflect thru our attitude, rather than allowing our attitude to reflect God.
? for today...what has your attitude been like today?
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
DAILY DEVOTION...mirror, mirror on the wall
What in the world would we do without mirrors?
I don't know too many people who can go an entire day without checking themselves in the mirror.
If we care how we look on the outside so much, why don't we do the same inwardly?
In the Bible, James says, if we only hear the Word of God but do not do what the Bible says, we are deceiving ourselves.
James 1:23,24 "For if anyone is a hearer of the Word and not a doer, he is like a man observing his natural face in a mirror, for he sees himself, goes away and immediately forgets what kind of man he was."
The thing about a mirror is it is only good when you are standing in front of it. Walk away...the image is gone.
? for today...what do you see in your spiritual mirror?
I pray God's image will be our reflection.
I don't know too many people who can go an entire day without checking themselves in the mirror.
If we care how we look on the outside so much, why don't we do the same inwardly?
In the Bible, James says, if we only hear the Word of God but do not do what the Bible says, we are deceiving ourselves.
James 1:23,24 "For if anyone is a hearer of the Word and not a doer, he is like a man observing his natural face in a mirror, for he sees himself, goes away and immediately forgets what kind of man he was."
The thing about a mirror is it is only good when you are standing in front of it. Walk away...the image is gone.
? for today...what do you see in your spiritual mirror?
I pray God's image will be our reflection.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
It is hard to believe that we are closing out yet another month ofTHANKFUL THURSDAY. As always, it is a joy and honor to be your host. Be sure to link up next week over at my friend, Iris for TT.
I want to close out the month by encouraging you to have great courage and keep doing what God has called you to do. This past week, I have encountered many people who feel discouraged, weary and burnt out. Ministry is hard work. In fact, the other day I read a most incredible statement by a pastor friend…
Life is full of risks. In fact, just getting up and getting behind the wheel of a car is a tremendous risk. But taking risks as believers is necessary sometimes. Often times, we avoid opportunities that God makes available to us because we fear that things won’t go the way we had hoped. Or we are fearful of failing. But God wants us to go forth boldly, sometimes taking a risk or two, so that we can accomplish great things for Him!
Now that you have the boldness and courage that you need…what will you do with it?
I want to close out the month by encouraging you to have great courage and keep doing what God has called you to do. This past week, I have encountered many people who feel discouraged, weary and burnt out. Ministry is hard work. In fact, the other day I read a most incredible statement by a pastor friend…
"To serve successfully, you must love like God, serve like Martha, and have skin like a rhino."
As a lay person and now a full time pastors wife, I can say AMEN and AMEN to that statement. Ministry can be draining but yet so fullfilling at the same time!
“Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the Lord.” –Psalms 31:4
Life is full of risks. In fact, just getting up and getting behind the wheel of a car is a tremendous risk. But taking risks as believers is necessary sometimes. Often times, we avoid opportunities that God makes available to us because we fear that things won’t go the way we had hoped. Or we are fearful of failing. But God wants us to go forth boldly, sometimes taking a risk or two, so that we can accomplish great things for Him!
Today I am giving God praise for the courage that He has placed within each of us. May we all go out with boldness and do all that we can for Him. Please do not become weary of doing things for the Kingdom of God. No doubt, serving in ministry takes great boldness and courage.
Now that you have the boldness and courage that you need…what will you do with it?
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
THANKFUL THURSDAY...a listening ear
I have been praying about a particular situation in our family and to be honest with you, it was much bigger than me or my husband. We were dependent upon God to hear our cry and perform a miracle.
We received a negative report from the doctor, but once we gave it to God, peace just surrounded us. Somehow, I knew that God had heard our cry.
He listens. He really does.
Not all of us listen. Face it, we live in a loud world. In fact, just try to get someones attention - not easy. But when we speak - God listens. Our voice matters in heaven, He takes every petition and request seriously. He does not take our prayer need lightly, He doesn't say "I'll pray about it" and then forget it. He is standing in on our behalf at the throne.
I once heard an Evangelist say, "Our prayers is what activates God's power in heaven." He doesn't need our prayers, but He desires them. Many blessings begin with a prayer.
Matthew 6:10 "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven."
This week, as I host THANKFUL THURSDAY, I would like to give praise and gratitude to a loving God Who hears our cry. He not only cares about us but He LISTENS to us. THANK YOU GOD!
What has God done for you this week? Share your TT post with us by linking up below. Thank you for sharing your grateful heart with us today.
We received a negative report from the doctor, but once we gave it to God, peace just surrounded us. Somehow, I knew that God had heard our cry.
He listens. He really does.
Not all of us listen. Face it, we live in a loud world. In fact, just try to get someones attention - not easy. But when we speak - God listens. Our voice matters in heaven, He takes every petition and request seriously. He does not take our prayer need lightly, He doesn't say "I'll pray about it" and then forget it. He is standing in on our behalf at the throne.
I once heard an Evangelist say, "Our prayers is what activates God's power in heaven." He doesn't need our prayers, but He desires them. Many blessings begin with a prayer.
Matthew 6:10 "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven."
This week, as I host THANKFUL THURSDAY, I would like to give praise and gratitude to a loving God Who hears our cry. He not only cares about us but He LISTENS to us. THANK YOU GOD!
What has God done for you this week? Share your TT post with us by linking up below. Thank you for sharing your grateful heart with us today.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
DAILY DEVOTION... God has questions too!
If we could, all of us would have a long list of questions we would love to ask God.
"Why is the sky blue?"
"Why do we get sick?"
"Why does it always rain on Monday?"
We all wonder about things. And that is ok...God made us with inquiry minds. He is very patient with all of our uncertainties, especially about Him. But whenever we question God, let's remember what He spoke to Job in his moment of uncertainties...
Job 40:6-7 "Then the Lord spoke to Job out of the storm: 'Brace yourself like a man; I will question you, and you shall answer Me.' "
We aren't the only ones with questions. I wonder what inquiries God would have of us?
"What if I couldn't bless you today because you forgot to thank Me yesterday?"
"What if you never saw another flower bloom because you grumble when I send rain?"
"What if I don't hear you today because you do not listen to Me?"
? for today...If God questioned you today, would you be able to answer?
That, my friend, is a loaded question. Be ready, the day is coming that He will demand an answer!
"Why is the sky blue?"
"Why do we get sick?"
"Why does it always rain on Monday?"
We all wonder about things. And that is ok...God made us with inquiry minds. He is very patient with all of our uncertainties, especially about Him. But whenever we question God, let's remember what He spoke to Job in his moment of uncertainties...
Job 40:6-7 "Then the Lord spoke to Job out of the storm: 'Brace yourself like a man; I will question you, and you shall answer Me.' "
We aren't the only ones with questions. I wonder what inquiries God would have of us?
"What if I couldn't bless you today because you forgot to thank Me yesterday?"
"What if you never saw another flower bloom because you grumble when I send rain?"
"What if I don't hear you today because you do not listen to Me?"
? for today...If God questioned you today, would you be able to answer?
That, my friend, is a loaded question. Be ready, the day is coming that He will demand an answer!
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
THANKFUL THURSDAY...Freedom and Faith
As I think about this weeks THANKFUL THURSDAY, I would be greatly amiss if I did not reflect on what this week in history represents.
September 11, 2001 marks in history how America changed, forever. Until this date, we only read of such attacks in other countries. For us here in the US, we never really lived such fear, such terror. It was the day that a foreign enemy entered our homeland and attacked from within, shattering the confidence of many residents and destroying the lives of countless people.
I, like you, will always remember where I was and what I was doing when I heard of the twin towers being attacked. Honestly, as I drove down the highway and heard the report over the radio, I literally had to pull over to listen more intently. I was in complete shock of what I was hearing.
After shock, I felt fear. My mind racing to remember the phone number to my children's school. Even though terror hit miles and miles away, I had to be reassured that my babies were safe.
Safe? Would we ever be able to feel safe again in our country? After all, there had been a breach in security. Who would have thought that an opposing country would even consider coming against such a great country. But they did. And they caught us off guard.
So many lives lost that day. Such a tragedy. I often think of those families. But I also think about the men who were involved. These men did not consider themselves terrorists, sadly, they were simply following their god and standing firm in what they considered their belief.
Although their act is heinous, one cannot help but consider their commitment. They were willing to die for their faith, even though radically wrong. It seemed like the enemy had won that day, but I do not believe the enemy can win the war.
I would like to challenge each of you to always remember the sacrifice. Not only the sacrifice of those who gave their lives that day, but I would also like to challenge you to remember the sacrifice that these terrorists were willing to give ... they gave their lives for a cause that they firmly believed in.
Makes me wonder...would we give our lives for what we believe in?
I know that Jesus gave His life for what and who He believed in. Now that is a sacrifice none of us can ever forget.
Today, I give God my utmost thanks for His sacrifice, and I give the men, women and children who lost their lives at the hand of evil on 9/11 my utmost remembrance and praise.
Galatians 5:22-23 (NLT)
But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!
May we always hold onto what we believe and be willing to stand upon our faith, no matter the cost.
What are you thankful for today? Please join your grateful heart with ours by linking up below.
September 11, 2001 marks in history how America changed, forever. Until this date, we only read of such attacks in other countries. For us here in the US, we never really lived such fear, such terror. It was the day that a foreign enemy entered our homeland and attacked from within, shattering the confidence of many residents and destroying the lives of countless people.
I, like you, will always remember where I was and what I was doing when I heard of the twin towers being attacked. Honestly, as I drove down the highway and heard the report over the radio, I literally had to pull over to listen more intently. I was in complete shock of what I was hearing.
After shock, I felt fear. My mind racing to remember the phone number to my children's school. Even though terror hit miles and miles away, I had to be reassured that my babies were safe.
Safe? Would we ever be able to feel safe again in our country? After all, there had been a breach in security. Who would have thought that an opposing country would even consider coming against such a great country. But they did. And they caught us off guard.
So many lives lost that day. Such a tragedy. I often think of those families. But I also think about the men who were involved. These men did not consider themselves terrorists, sadly, they were simply following their god and standing firm in what they considered their belief.
Although their act is heinous, one cannot help but consider their commitment. They were willing to die for their faith, even though radically wrong. It seemed like the enemy had won that day, but I do not believe the enemy can win the war.
I would like to challenge each of you to always remember the sacrifice. Not only the sacrifice of those who gave their lives that day, but I would also like to challenge you to remember the sacrifice that these terrorists were willing to give ... they gave their lives for a cause that they firmly believed in.
Makes me wonder...would we give our lives for what we believe in?
I know that Jesus gave His life for what and who He believed in. Now that is a sacrifice none of us can ever forget.
Today, I give God my utmost thanks for His sacrifice, and I give the men, women and children who lost their lives at the hand of evil on 9/11 my utmost remembrance and praise.
But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!
May we always hold onto what we believe and be willing to stand upon our faith, no matter the cost.
What are you thankful for today? Please join your grateful heart with ours by linking up below.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
THANKFUL THURSDAY...can't say it enough!
Hello Friends.
It is that time again...THANKFUL THURSDAY! I am honored and blessed to be hosting this month. I can't remember how long it has been since I have been hosting this great meme with Iris, but I know it has been several years.
I was thinking this morning about all of the great TT posts over the years and it struck me that no matter how much time has passed, we never run out of things to give God thanks for.
I dont know about you, but my heart is so full of appreciation to a great God who bestows such wonderful blessings upon His children. I know as a Mom, I want nothing but the best for my kids. And when my children show appreciation for the things that I do for them, it causes me to want to do even MORE for them.
God wants to hear our appreciation as well.
"Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise--the fruit of lips that openly profess his name." -Hebrews 13:15
What are you praising God for today? Please join us by sharing your grateful heart today by linking up below. Thank you for being a part of THANKFUL THURSDAY!
It is that time again...THANKFUL THURSDAY! I am honored and blessed to be hosting this month. I can't remember how long it has been since I have been hosting this great meme with Iris, but I know it has been several years.
I was thinking this morning about all of the great TT posts over the years and it struck me that no matter how much time has passed, we never run out of things to give God thanks for.
I dont know about you, but my heart is so full of appreciation to a great God who bestows such wonderful blessings upon His children. I know as a Mom, I want nothing but the best for my kids. And when my children show appreciation for the things that I do for them, it causes me to want to do even MORE for them.
God wants to hear our appreciation as well.
"Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise--the fruit of lips that openly profess his name." -Hebrews 13:15
What are you praising God for today? Please join us by sharing your grateful heart today by linking up below. Thank you for being a part of THANKFUL THURSDAY!
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
DAILY DEVO...What are you running from?
Social media has been bombarded with criticism the last couple of days about the latest performance of Miley Cyrus.
It fascinates me how quick we jump on band wagons, criticizing and judging and tearing down what we deem disgusting and appalling in the music/film industry but when it comes to the schemes of the devil...we remain silent.
When I see actions, such as Miley's, I have empathy
because she and others much like her are clearly trying to escape something.
None of us are much different. We are all like a runaway truck, trying to find the right detour. What we are running from may differ, but the solution is the same.
1 Corinthians 10:13 "God will make a way of escape, that we may be able to bear it."
? for today: what are you trying to escape...and where are you running?
God will provide a way...if you will let Him!
Social media has been bombarded with criticism the last couple of days about the latest performance of Miley Cyrus.
It fascinates me how quick we jump on band wagons, criticizing and judging and tearing down what we deem disgusting and appalling in the music/film industry but when it comes to the schemes of the devil...we remain silent.
When I see actions, such as Miley's, I have empathy
because she and others much like her are clearly trying to escape something.
None of us are much different. We are all like a runaway truck, trying to find the right detour. What we are running from may differ, but the solution is the same.
1 Corinthians 10:13 "God will make a way of escape, that we may be able to bear it."
? for today: what are you trying to escape...and where are you running?
God will provide a way...if you will let Him!
Thursday, August 22, 2013
DAILY DEVO...less or full?
Everyone seems busy these days. We fill our schedules to overflow. Work. School. Sports. Family. Friends. Shopping. Church.
With everything that pulls at your time, just how faithful are you? Or should the question faithLESS are you?
Obviously, to be faithless is the opposite of being faithful. To be faithless, you have a hard time keeping your word or your commitments. Faithless people tend to be unreliable and usually cannot keep goals set before them.
"Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful." 1 Corinthians 4:2
God desires us to be faithful not faithless. He desires us to keep our word, be on time, stand up for what is right. He expects us to pay our debts, work hard and have godly integrity. He doesn't expect faithful servants to be one way at home and another way at church.
? for today...which faith do you have...full or less?
Even the smallest faith can turn less into His fullness!
With everything that pulls at your time, just how faithful are you? Or should the question faithLESS are you?
Obviously, to be faithless is the opposite of being faithful. To be faithless, you have a hard time keeping your word or your commitments. Faithless people tend to be unreliable and usually cannot keep goals set before them.
"Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful." 1 Corinthians 4:2
God desires us to be faithful not faithless. He desires us to keep our word, be on time, stand up for what is right. He expects us to pay our debts, work hard and have godly integrity. He doesn't expect faithful servants to be one way at home and another way at church.
? for today...which faith do you have...full or less?
Even the smallest faith can turn less into His fullness!
Thursday, August 15, 2013
DAILY DEVO...achew...Bless you!
Have you ever noticed how quickly viruses spread?
It is like a domino effect...bouncing from one to another, catching us off guard sometimes.
As quickly as colds spread, kindness and generosity can also be spread. I believe our attitude is like a virus.
Ephesians 4:32 "Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you."
Often times, the kind of people we surround ourselves with is the same attitudes that we will "catch". If someone is takes no time for us to become sour in spirit.
? for today: what kind of difference would sowing kindness and grace make in your world?
Spread it like a virus and see what might happen!
(Bless you!)
It is like a domino effect...bouncing from one to another, catching us off guard sometimes.
As quickly as colds spread, kindness and generosity can also be spread. I believe our attitude is like a virus.
Ephesians 4:32 "Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you."
Often times, the kind of people we surround ourselves with is the same attitudes that we will "catch". If someone is takes no time for us to become sour in spirit.
? for today: what kind of difference would sowing kindness and grace make in your world?
Spread it like a virus and see what might happen!
(Bless you!)
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
DAILY DEVO...pandora Christianity
Pandora has become one of the musical marvels of internet. It allows us to customize our playlist by giving songs a thumbs up or thumbs down.
Unfortunately, I see people who try to do the same thing with Gods Word. They try to customize their Bible much like a Pandora playlist. Picking and choosing which scriptures they like.
Too many people try to adjust the Bible to fit their life rather than altering their life to fit the Bible.
Psalm 119:160 "The entirety of Your Word is truth."
Unfortunately, I see people who try to do the same thing with Gods Word. They try to customize their Bible much like a Pandora playlist. Picking and choosing which scriptures they like.
Too many people try to adjust the Bible to fit their life rather than altering their life to fit the Bible.
Psalm 119:160 "The entirety of Your Word is truth."
? for today: what does your spiritual Pandora playlist look like? Do you pick and choose bits and pieces of God or do you listen to all that He has to offer?
When it comes to Gods Word and instruction, I pray you give it a thumbs up!
Monday, August 12, 2013
DAILY DEVO...It aint easy!
Easy. Thats how we like to do things.
Everyone has taken the easy way out at some time in their life. Cheating on a test, looking the other way when a friend was in need, quitting a team or even church when things got difficult.
Living easy is a man made rule, not a God rule.
"You can enter Gods kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad and its gate is for the many who choose the easy way. But the gateway to life is small, and the road is narrow, and only a few ever find it." Matthew 7:13,14
Taking the easy way out usually leads to consequences.
? for today: Do you tend to take the easy path or are you seeking the right path?
Take the right path, it will lead you to the right place.
Everyone has taken the easy way out at some time in their life. Cheating on a test, looking the other way when a friend was in need, quitting a team or even church when things got difficult.
Living easy is a man made rule, not a God rule.
"You can enter Gods kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad and its gate is for the many who choose the easy way. But the gateway to life is small, and the road is narrow, and only a few ever find it." Matthew 7:13,14
Taking the easy way out usually leads to consequences.
? for today: Do you tend to take the easy path or are you seeking the right path?
Take the right path, it will lead you to the right place.
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
DAILY DEVO the surgeons hand
Nobody would willingly go under the knife just for fun. If you or someone you know has had to have any kind of surgery, it is probably because they were very sick or in much pain.
If you are like me, you probably avoid pain whenever possible. But when it comes to needing surgery, noone likes it, but they ...know they need it to be whole again.
Gods Word is like a surgeons scalpel. It cuts. It heals. It restores.
Hebrews 4:12 "The Word of God is full of living power. It is sharper than the sharpest knife, cutting deep into our innermost thoughts and desires."
? for today: when it comes to Gods scalpel, are you pulling away or allowing Him to do surgery on your heart?
Sometimes pain produces something good. But we have to trust the Almighty Surgeon!
Nobody would willingly go under the knife just for fun. If you or someone you know has had to have any kind of surgery, it is probably because they were very sick or in much pain.
If you are like me, you probably avoid pain whenever possible. But when it comes to needing surgery, noone likes it, but they ...know they need it to be whole again.
Gods Word is like a surgeons scalpel. It cuts. It heals. It restores.
Hebrews 4:12 "The Word of God is full of living power. It is sharper than the sharpest knife, cutting deep into our innermost thoughts and desires."
? for today: when it comes to Gods scalpel, are you pulling away or allowing Him to do surgery on your heart?
Sometimes pain produces something good. But we have to trust the Almighty Surgeon!
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
DAILY DEVO...jealousy
One of the things that will destroy any relationship quicker than anything is the root of jealousy.
Whether it is in dating, in friendships, with your siblings or in ministry. Jealousy will only kill the very thing you love.
Proverbs 14:30 "A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones."
Jealousy is rooted in a false view of God..."God loves them more than me." "I deserve better." But jealousy is only complaining and whining to God that You know better than He what you need in life.
Dont allow jealousy to destroy the awesome things that God has in store for you. Someone may have something that you wish you had or they may have a position that you want but never forget that God just may have something bigger and better planned for you!
? for today... Are you jealous of someone or something? REPENT and ask God to show you His wonderful plan for YOU. Its a unique plan that only you can fulfill.
One of the things that will destroy any relationship quicker than anything is the root of jealousy.
Whether it is in dating, in friendships, with your siblings or in ministry. Jealousy will only kill the very thing you love.
Proverbs 14:30 "A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones."
Jealousy is rooted in a false view of God..."God loves them more than me." "I deserve better." But jealousy is only complaining and whining to God that You know better than He what you need in life.
Dont allow jealousy to destroy the awesome things that God has in store for you. Someone may have something that you wish you had or they may have a position that you want but never forget that God just may have something bigger and better planned for you!
? for today... Are you jealous of someone or something? REPENT and ask God to show you His wonderful plan for YOU. Its a unique plan that only you can fulfill.
Thursday, July 25, 2013
DAILY DEVO...gossip
I remember when I was a teen, my friends dad had diabetes. He would go to church with us but had a hard time staying awake. People would talk about him. But what they didnt know is that he couldn't help it, he didnt have his medicine and diet regulated yet.
Gossip. Telling the truth is one thing, but the other thing, gossip, is what really counts, for it reveals what is in our hearts....
James, Jesus' half brother understood the danger of gossip...
James 1:26 "If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless."
Gossip destroys. Not only those we talk about. But it destroys our character as well.
Like my friends dad, we may not know the entire story, so lets keep our tongue tamed.
I remember when I was a teen, my friends dad had diabetes. He would go to church with us but had a hard time staying awake. People would talk about him. But what they didnt know is that he couldn't help it, he didnt have his medicine and diet regulated yet.
Gossip. Telling the truth is one thing, but the other thing, gossip, is what really counts, for it reveals what is in our hearts....
James, Jesus' half brother understood the danger of gossip...
James 1:26 "If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless."
Gossip destroys. Not only those we talk about. But it destroys our character as well.
Like my friends dad, we may not know the entire story, so lets keep our tongue tamed.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
THANKFUL THURSDAY...what's your temperature?
God said that He would spit us out of His mouth if we are lukewarm, that is because He doesn’t want any “whisy washy”children. He would rather we are sold out totally for Him or be away from Him with the hopes that we will turn to Him. One that sits on the fence, who straddles is often difficult to be obedient.
Have you ever known someone who changed their mind with the wind? One day they are one way, then the next day they are something else.
This happens a lot with sports fans. Many sports fans root for the winning team, and when their team goes on a losing streak, they get off their bandwagon real quick and switch teams. They are what I call “wish washy fans”. Jesus Christ has some “wishy washy” fans too. They call themselves Christians as long as everything is going good, but the minute trouble brews, they jump off the bandwagon and remove themselves from God and all that He stands for.
Today is THANKFUL THURSDAY and I am grateful for all the strong men and women who have led the way by example of how they live their lives. Lives that don't straddle the fence, but lives that walk the walk not just talk the talk.
May we all find ourselves today with the right temperature in our spiritual walk with God. May He find us HOT and boiling over as we grow in Him.
Its been a pleasure to be your hostess this month for TT. Please join us over at GRACE ALONE for August where Iris will be hosting on Thursdays.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
I hate waiting in lines. Especially long lines. What is even worse than waiting in a long line, is a line breaker cutting in front of me after I've patiently waited forever in the line.
If you have ever gone to an amusement park like Disney, you know what I mean.
I read about Disney cracking down on people who were paying disabled people to go with them so they could all go thru the disabled entrance rather than wait 3 hours like everyone else.
Reminds me of what some people try to do to make it to heaven. Instead of following the rules, they try to take the shortcut. But Im afraid there are no line breakers allowed. Everyone comes to the Father the same way. No matter your race, your wealth, or your age.
Galatians 2:16 "A person is not justified by works but through faith in Jesus Christ."
There are just some lines that are worth the wait!
LACED WITH GRACE...It CAN be well with your soul!
Today I have shared a devo over at LACED WITH GRACE entitled "It CAN be well with your soul." Please click the link to read this post!
Monday, July 22, 2013
Its not easy or hard...its a choice!
I heard a new believer say, "it's hard to be a Christian."
It can be. But it doesn't have to be. God Never said it would be easy, He just said, "pick up the cross and follow Me!"
Christianity isn't easy or hard. Simply said, its just a choice!
Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego didnt find it easy, but they made a Choice..."Let it be known, o king, we will NOT serve your gods." (Daniel... 3:18)
Integrity will always outweigh convenience. Choose this day Whom you will serve...but choose wisely!
It can be. But it doesn't have to be. God Never said it would be easy, He just said, "pick up the cross and follow Me!"
Christianity isn't easy or hard. Simply said, its just a choice!
Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego didnt find it easy, but they made a Choice..."Let it be known, o king, we will NOT serve your gods." (Daniel... 3:18)
Integrity will always outweigh convenience. Choose this day Whom you will serve...but choose wisely!
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
THANKFUL THURSDAY...I am a mentor!
When I mention the word "mentor", alot of people automatically think of someone who is older. Mentoring seems to be something that most of us think we are not old enough or wise enough to do.
But I disagree with that thinking. When you think about it, no matter what age you find yourself, all of us, yes, all of us I say, are older (and wiser) than someone. Whether you are 80 or 18, everyone has someone younger than them that needs a good role model to follow after.
I have had many godly role models in my life. Former pastor wives, Sunday school teachers and godly women like my grandmother. And likewise, my young daughter at the age of 17 also is a role model to many of the young girls at church and also to her little neice at age 2. All of us can pour into someone and we all need to know that someone is watching and learning from us. One way or another, either in a negative way or a positive way, we all have people following us.
It is my prayer that I can pour into someone that would make a difference for eternity. It isn't enough to just be "older" or even "wiser", we must all be led by the Spirit.
“I thought, ‘Age should speak; advanced years should teach wisdom.’ But it is the spirit in a person, the breath of the Almighty, that gives them understanding.” -Job 32:7-9
It is the Holy Spirit that gives us wisdom and discernment. May we all lead by the Spirit, for without it, nothing we say, nothing we do will be worth following.
Today is THANKFUL THURSDAY and I am grateful not only for the great mentors who have molded my life, but I am also grateful for the opportunities that God has given me to invest in others. What are you thankful for today, please link up with us below....
But I disagree with that thinking. When you think about it, no matter what age you find yourself, all of us, yes, all of us I say, are older (and wiser) than someone. Whether you are 80 or 18, everyone has someone younger than them that needs a good role model to follow after.
I have had many godly role models in my life. Former pastor wives, Sunday school teachers and godly women like my grandmother. And likewise, my young daughter at the age of 17 also is a role model to many of the young girls at church and also to her little neice at age 2. All of us can pour into someone and we all need to know that someone is watching and learning from us. One way or another, either in a negative way or a positive way, we all have people following us.
It is my prayer that I can pour into someone that would make a difference for eternity. It isn't enough to just be "older" or even "wiser", we must all be led by the Spirit.
“I thought, ‘Age should speak; advanced years should teach wisdom.’ But it is the spirit in a person, the breath of the Almighty, that gives them understanding.” -Job 32:7-9
It is the Holy Spirit that gives us wisdom and discernment. May we all lead by the Spirit, for without it, nothing we say, nothing we do will be worth following.
Today is THANKFUL THURSDAY and I am grateful not only for the great mentors who have molded my life, but I am also grateful for the opportunities that God has given me to invest in others. What are you thankful for today, please link up with us below....
Not one, no not one - loving the unchurched!
During our 10 year position as Associate Pastors, our heart and passion was for the lost and for equipping the saints. But it was during our 2 year hiatus from fulltime ministry that God really opened my eyes and my heart for the lost. I soon realized that our world is not only full of the sick, and the lonely but also so many that are lost.
God took us down a road for 2 years that literally showed us a world out there of the "unchurched". God asked us a question ... "Who will love the unchurched?"
Unfortunately, this is a group of people that all too soon get forgotten or lost between the cracks. These are people that either have not heard the Good News or they have, and were hurt in church and vowed never to return.
Seeing so many "outside" the church made me wonder, why do they leave? As I researched this question, I found many answers as to the why. My husband and I are back pastoring fulltime, and I don't mind telling you that the staggering numbers of people who have left churches because of hurt
is mind boggling to me.
But the hurt of others is only one kind of hurt that keeps people out, we often times, hurt ourselves. We hurt ourselves when we find that the house rules of Gods house are too restrictive, we pack up and look else where for our acceptance and our being. We look for ways that our behavior can fit the Bible rather than Bible shaping our behavior.
Many people are seeking the love of Christ but don't want to submit to His Lordship. They desire His blessings but don't adhere to His commandments. Even though Christ offers everything, the cost of serving Him seems too high for some. But don't think that this is anything new to Christ. Many of His disciples turned and walked no more with Him, to this Jesus turned to His twelve and asked, "Do you also want to go away?"
"Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. Also we have come to believe and know that You are the Christ." - Simon Peter (John 6:60-69)
True discipleship does not come from attending a church service, that is true. It is the relationship that we have daily with Christ. But just like the family that we were born into, even though troubles come, and we don't always get along all of the time, we still stick by each other thru thick and thin.
We are family. And when just one strays away from the family tree, we should stop at nothing to bring them back. May we all seek those who are "unchurched" and give them a place to belong, a family to call their own.
And if you one of those "unchurched" who has thrown in the towel, I know what it is like to be hurt in church, I have been too. But remember that people will always let you down and that God has given each of us a greater purpose than to give in or quit. He has a greater plan that any man and in His power, we can OVERCOME and BECOME something great for Him!
God took us down a road for 2 years that literally showed us a world out there of the "unchurched". God asked us a question ... "Who will love the unchurched?"
Unfortunately, this is a group of people that all too soon get forgotten or lost between the cracks. These are people that either have not heard the Good News or they have, and were hurt in church and vowed never to return.
Seeing so many "outside" the church made me wonder, why do they leave? As I researched this question, I found many answers as to the why. My husband and I are back pastoring fulltime, and I don't mind telling you that the staggering numbers of people who have left churches because of hurt
is mind boggling to me.
But the hurt of others is only one kind of hurt that keeps people out, we often times, hurt ourselves. We hurt ourselves when we find that the house rules of Gods house are too restrictive, we pack up and look else where for our acceptance and our being. We look for ways that our behavior can fit the Bible rather than Bible shaping our behavior.
Many people are seeking the love of Christ but don't want to submit to His Lordship. They desire His blessings but don't adhere to His commandments. Even though Christ offers everything, the cost of serving Him seems too high for some. But don't think that this is anything new to Christ. Many of His disciples turned and walked no more with Him, to this Jesus turned to His twelve and asked, "Do you also want to go away?"
"Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. Also we have come to believe and know that You are the Christ." - Simon Peter (John 6:60-69)
True discipleship does not come from attending a church service, that is true. It is the relationship that we have daily with Christ. But just like the family that we were born into, even though troubles come, and we don't always get along all of the time, we still stick by each other thru thick and thin.
We are family. And when just one strays away from the family tree, we should stop at nothing to bring them back. May we all seek those who are "unchurched" and give them a place to belong, a family to call their own.
And if you one of those "unchurched" who has thrown in the towel, I know what it is like to be hurt in church, I have been too. But remember that people will always let you down and that God has given each of us a greater purpose than to give in or quit. He has a greater plan that any man and in His power, we can OVERCOME and BECOME something great for Him!
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
THANKFUL THURSDAY...becoming a person of peace
Lately, I have heard story after story of great hardships people are going thru. My heart hurts for all those around me dealing with sickness, and death, and financial hardships and struggles in relationships. Life is hard, isn't it?
But even when things get hard, living a life of peace is a choice. Nothing, and noone can rob you of your peace, however, sometimes we relinquish our peace when we allow our circumstances to cloud our vision. God desires for His peace to encompass every part of our lives. Even when we can't trace His steps, we most definetly can trust His heart.
Psalm 31:5 says "My times are in Your hands." Your life is under God's watchful eye and no matter what circumstance comes your way, peace is available. All we have to do is accept it.
Today is THANKFUL THURSDAY and I am so thankful for the peace that passes all understanding...the peace of God! Please join your grateful heart with ours by linking up below for TT!
But even when things get hard, living a life of peace is a choice. Nothing, and noone can rob you of your peace, however, sometimes we relinquish our peace when we allow our circumstances to cloud our vision. God desires for His peace to encompass every part of our lives. Even when we can't trace His steps, we most definetly can trust His heart.
Psalm 31:5 says "My times are in Your hands." Your life is under God's watchful eye and no matter what circumstance comes your way, peace is available. All we have to do is accept it.
Today is THANKFUL THURSDAY and I am so thankful for the peace that passes all understanding...the peace of God! Please join your grateful heart with ours by linking up below for TT!
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Word of the day...INCONVENIENT
This week I have heard the same word over and over...
It is amazing to me the things that we feel inconvenienced about.
For instance, every time I drive across the bridge to Memphis, it is so inconvenient for me to drive less of the normal speed limit, sometimes even coming to a stand still while workers work on the highway.
Even though the roads are getting better over the long term, at the moment, it feels like the roads are actually getting worse and worse. Roads seem to be tore up for so long, and we hate the detours and the delays. Seems to me that we just want improvement without any inconvenience.
Truth is, we all want things to grow, to change and advance without our world changing. Not only is that true in highway construction, but it is also true in our personal life and most definitely in our spiritual life. Too many people want the gain with no pain.
We cannot stretch ourselves without growing pains. And that goes for growing pains in our spiritual walk. We say we want to be more like Jesus, but then we groan and moan and whine when we go through difficult times.
"Lord, please make this pass quickly!"
Isn't that how many of us pray? But while driving thru the construction in Memphis, I realized that to have growth, we must be inconvenienced. God is not leery to take us down a detour if that is what is necessary for us to grow in Him.
So next time you feel like you are swimming against the current and life is coming at you hard, remember that you can lean upon God and He will be with you always. Even in those twists, turns and detours of your life. Now that is one promise that is worth all of the inconveniences of the world!
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you. When you cross rivers, you will not drown. When you walk through fire, you will not be burned, nor will the flames hurt you. Isaiah 43:2
It is amazing to me the things that we feel inconvenienced about.
For instance, every time I drive across the bridge to Memphis, it is so inconvenient for me to drive less of the normal speed limit, sometimes even coming to a stand still while workers work on the highway.
Even though the roads are getting better over the long term, at the moment, it feels like the roads are actually getting worse and worse. Roads seem to be tore up for so long, and we hate the detours and the delays. Seems to me that we just want improvement without any inconvenience.
Truth is, we all want things to grow, to change and advance without our world changing. Not only is that true in highway construction, but it is also true in our personal life and most definitely in our spiritual life. Too many people want the gain with no pain.
We cannot stretch ourselves without growing pains. And that goes for growing pains in our spiritual walk. We say we want to be more like Jesus, but then we groan and moan and whine when we go through difficult times.
"Lord, please make this pass quickly!"
Isn't that how many of us pray? But while driving thru the construction in Memphis, I realized that to have growth, we must be inconvenienced. God is not leery to take us down a detour if that is what is necessary for us to grow in Him.
So next time you feel like you are swimming against the current and life is coming at you hard, remember that you can lean upon God and He will be with you always. Even in those twists, turns and detours of your life. Now that is one promise that is worth all of the inconveniences of the world!
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you. When you cross rivers, you will not drown. When you walk through fire, you will not be burned, nor will the flames hurt you. Isaiah 43:2
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Today is a day of great celebration across the USA. Fireworks, picnics, swimming, pretty much whatever we feel led to do. It is a great thing to be an American. Something that I am very proud to be. And celebrating our freedom is a wonderful way to celebrate today.
Not just our freedom here in this land of the free ... but we should all be celebrating and remembering our freedom in the Lord. I have traveled too many countries where such freedom is not allowed. Bibles must be hidden. Saying you are a "Christian" will land you in jail. Missionaries spreading God's truth must be done secretly.
When I think of the word "Independence", I often think of what the world tells us. The leadership team of Burger King bought into this independent theme we have ..."Have it your way!" Having things our way goes all the way back to Adam and Eve though. Instead of doing things God's way, they wanted their Independence, Adam and Eve wanted things "their way".
In Matthew 18:3, it says,"I tell you the truth, unless you turn from your sins and become like little children, you will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven."
Those are not the words of our Forefathers. They are the words of Jesus.
The world tells us we can do anything, we are free to do as we please. But Jesus is saying that we must be dependent upon Him, His way is higher than our way. Without Him, we cannot be free. Rather than seeking and celebrating independence, I suggest that it is actually dependence that is worth celebrating. May we never forget the greatest sacrifice ever given for our freedom...the blood of Jesus!
Aren't you thankful for all the privileges and blessings that we have? Not just as Americans, but as heirs of the King!!!
I am happy to be your THANKFUL THURSDAY host for the month of July. I look forward to hear your grateful hearts all month long!
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
LACED WITH GRACE...half full or half empty?
Today I shared the following devotion with the readers of LACED WITH GRACE, hope you find your cup full to the brim today...
It is the age old question… "Is the
glass half full or half empty?”
What’s the answer? Really, it is all
just your perspective. I guess I would have to ask, “Do you like a full cup or
a half empty one? Depending upon what is inside the cup, your preference may
The Bible refers to having fullness
to show the depth of joy we as Believers can experience. However many of us
settle for the half full cup versus the full cup.
When I think of how full my
spiritual cup needs to be I can’t help think about the Folgers coffee
commercial… “Good to the last drop.” Reminds me of the little boy I once had in
my preschool class. During snack time, I was passing out a couple of crackers
for each student to have. After two times around the table with offering each
one 2 crackers, little Paul got down from his chair and went over to the play
area, he returned with a plastic glass from the play kitchen area. The next
time I went around the table with another cracker, Paul held up his playtime
glass and said, “fill it up!”
If only we, as Christians, could
have that mentality of little Paul. Holding up our spiritual glass, asking not to have it emptied but to fill it
up, to the brim. Joy, as Jesus explains in Matthew, is not to be viewed as “half
empty” but may it be “full”. And not just full, but “good to the last drop!”
Matthew 15:9-11 (KJV), “As the
Father hath loved me, so I have loved you: continue ye in my love. If ye keep
my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father’s
commandments, and abide in his love. These things have I spoken unto you, that
my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.”
Many of us would gladly settle for
half a cup, but Jesus urges us to desire that full cup of joy. He wants us to love Him wholeheartedly! He wants
us to trust Him enough to obey Him.
When we choose to disobey Him, we
are choosing half a cup of joy
because our love is not wholehearted. We’re holding back, unsure of whether or
not He will fulfill His promises. Rather than trusting in His Word, we choose
our own ways, only to find out that we were wrong.
Keeping our cup full will come from
obedience. As we learn to obey Him, trust Him and even test Him, our cup will
remain full, never running dry.
How is your cup of joy looking
today? Is it half full or half empty? I trust you will strive to keep it full
to the top, overflowing with His love, His joy and His peace. For It is good to
the last drop.
Friday, June 7, 2013
LACED WITH GRACE...Are we just material girls in a material world?
I have shared the following devo with the readers of LACE WITH GRACE today. If you haven't checked out this site before, we offer daily devotions by a team of awesome and spirit-led ladies!
We are living in a world today that saturates our mind with having money and possessions. Just look at what society screams at us … "our worth is based upon what we have and how much.”
This pressure is felt all the way from elderly down to the young. Teens are now spending more than ever before, unreal amount of money every year on music, video games, movies and clothes. Our attitude about having and having more only escalates from this point on into adulthood where we then have a need to have bigger houses, faster cars and fatter bank accounts.
Not to give attention to a very worldly singer but singer Madonna , a few years ago, really said it the way it is …”I’m just a material girl who lives in a material world!”
Could that be true of America? That we have just become materialists?
I read an account of two different women who clearly had issues when it came to money. The first, Imelda Marcos, married to the President of the Philippines had access to the national treasury of billions to finance her shopping sprees. It is said that she had a collection of 3000 pair of shoes, 1500 purses and 1200 designer gowns that she only wore one time.
The second woman, was Hetty Green. She rarely bathed and her underclothes would fall to pieces before she would buy another. Her children did not use hot water to bath and for food, she bought barrels of biscuits to live off of for months.
Reading about these two women caused me to think about what exactly was a “materialist”? Most of you reading this will probably agree that the first lady was clearly a materialist, but I would dare say that BOTH of these women were. One spent too much, while the other spent too little. But, the rest of the story is thatwhile Hetty Green seemed to be poor, in reality, it is reported that she made 7 million dollars a year! She apparently was obsessed with the all mighty dollar, not too far off from Imelda Marcos.
Many people think that HAVING money is the problem. Having it is not what makes us a “material world”, it is what we do or, rather, don’t do, with it that causes problems.
So you see, money is never the problem. But, it is our attitude about money. If we give more money for frivolous things than we do in the offering plate, we may need an attitude check.
Jesus challenged His disciples to leave EVERYTHING to follow Him. Today, it would be difficult for us to give up our Smart phones, our laptops and our satellite dishes. After all, many of us cannot even give an hour to pray or fast a meal, let alone fast a week. So, I wonder, while we live in such a materialistic world, what, if anything, would we be willing to leave behind as we pick up the cross to follow Him?
We may live in a “material world”, but we have the ability to choose to NOT be “material girls.”
We are living in a world today that saturates our mind with having money and possessions. Just look at what society screams at us … "our worth is based upon what we have and how much.”
This pressure is felt all the way from elderly down to the young. Teens are now spending more than ever before, unreal amount of money every year on music, video games, movies and clothes. Our attitude about having and having more only escalates from this point on into adulthood where we then have a need to have bigger houses, faster cars and fatter bank accounts.
Not to give attention to a very worldly singer but singer Madonna , a few years ago, really said it the way it is …”I’m just a material girl who lives in a material world!”
Could that be true of America? That we have just become materialists?
I read an account of two different women who clearly had issues when it came to money. The first, Imelda Marcos, married to the President of the Philippines had access to the national treasury of billions to finance her shopping sprees. It is said that she had a collection of 3000 pair of shoes, 1500 purses and 1200 designer gowns that she only wore one time.
The second woman, was Hetty Green. She rarely bathed and her underclothes would fall to pieces before she would buy another. Her children did not use hot water to bath and for food, she bought barrels of biscuits to live off of for months.
Reading about these two women caused me to think about what exactly was a “materialist”? Most of you reading this will probably agree that the first lady was clearly a materialist, but I would dare say that BOTH of these women were. One spent too much, while the other spent too little. But, the rest of the story is thatwhile Hetty Green seemed to be poor, in reality, it is reported that she made 7 million dollars a year! She apparently was obsessed with the all mighty dollar, not too far off from Imelda Marcos.
Many people think that HAVING money is the problem. Having it is not what makes us a “material world”, it is what we do or, rather, don’t do, with it that causes problems.
So you see, money is never the problem. But, it is our attitude about money. If we give more money for frivolous things than we do in the offering plate, we may need an attitude check.
Jesus challenged His disciples to leave EVERYTHING to follow Him. Today, it would be difficult for us to give up our Smart phones, our laptops and our satellite dishes. After all, many of us cannot even give an hour to pray or fast a meal, let alone fast a week. So, I wonder, while we live in such a materialistic world, what, if anything, would we be willing to leave behind as we pick up the cross to follow Him?
We may live in a “material world”, but we have the ability to choose to NOT be “material girls.”
“No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.” –Matthew 6:24Whom (or what) will you serve?
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