Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A PIECE OF MY HEART...time to "dye" it

For me, today is the day that most women over 40 years old look forward to.... The day we go to the beauty salon for a "new" look.

In my case...it is time to take care of those grey hairs that are popping up all over my head! I believe it was Clairol that had that cute little jingle a few years back "I'm gonna wash that grey right out of my hair!" In my case...let's just take a big dunk!

I was reminding my daughter, who is 13 now about our hair appointments. She was getting a trim and I, a total makeover or what we call a "color" or "highlights". My smart, precious 'lil angel had this to say....

13 YEAR OLD (how did she get so smart!) DAUGHTER: "Mom, why do you color your hair? Why don't you just let your hair be grey. Just be who you are."

THE OLD (and greying) MOTHER: "Because I don't like my hair grey, I think it makes me look old."

13 YEAR OLD (should I ground her?) DAUGHTER: "I'm just saying, be what God made you...how can you try to be something you're not, you ARE old you know Mom."

hmmmm....she has a point here. I mean about trying to be something I'm not.
(did you think I was referring to the "you are old Mom" statement...PLEASE!!)

  • How many times DO WE put a mask on as Christians? We say one thing, but do another.
  • How many times DO WE act one way on Sunday, all spiritual and together! But on Monday morning, we do as the world does...cuss, gamble, gossip, cheat, lie, etc.
  • How many times do we put "color" on to make us look better... But inside we are dark and wilting.

I believe if Clairol and God got together, they would have a new promotional jingle... "He's gonna wash that junk right out of your life!"


Apostle Paul gives us a reminder how often we should do this.

1 CORINTHIANS 15:31 "I affirm, by the boasting in you which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord, I DIE daily."

Lord help us to die to those things that keep us from being all that we can be in Jesus Christ!

(Anna...I'm still gonna color my hair, I think God would want me to be as beautiful as you! You'll understand in a few years...I started greying in my 20's ~ so that's just a few more years for you! I have one word for you to remember...CLAIROL!)



Anonymous said...

You are definately NOT OLD. (we are close in age I think) & even w/gray hair I only saw a beatiful woman who blesses me with her words.

Love lady!
Sherry M.

Salute said...

excellent piece of advice. a lot of times it is better to listen than to speak. We will be surprise of the outcome.