You have heard it before..."It takes years to develop character but only seconds to destroy it". A good reputation, or a good character comes from alot of things, but nothing more imperative than trust. Integrity, truth and honesty can have nothing but a positive influence on others.
In order to have truth or an honest character, we must first begin with God. Truth begins with God. In John 14:6 Jesus says "He is the Truth!" So with that said, it can be clearly understood that truth is the very fiber of His Being. Truth defines Who He is. Lies and deception is completely out of Gods character.
The opposite of God represents the opposite of truth. Satan is described as the "father of all liars." (John 8:44) It is his mission to steal, rob and destroy. He will stop at nothing to crumble our faith and snuff the life out of us by throwing his lies at us. And too often we fall for his schemes and plots and believe lies instead of the God honest truth.
To avoid the enemies pitfalls, we must earnestly seek truth.
PROVERBS 23:23 "Buy the truth, and don't sell it."
Pretty simple and straight forward. Many times seeking the truth will involve some sacrifices. But I assure you that seeking the truth of God will not only improve our character but it will be the most worthwhile pursuit we could ever embark upon.
There are alot of foundations that we can build upon that are shaky, truth is not one of them. A foundation built upon truth is a stability that will allow you to withstand the difficulties and pressures of this world. Having a spirit of deception will only lead to destruction, disappointment and demise. However, when we operate in truth, the God's honest truth, we can live a life of peace, power and purpose.
You may have had people deceive you, lie to you and desert you but today is a good day to give thanks to God for His Truth. His Truth will never, EVER let you down or disappoint you. May you build your character based upon truth...His truth.
What are you grateful for today? I am happy to be hosting THANKFUL THURSDAY today and I want to hear what great things God is doing in your life that resonates truth in your heart and spirit. Link up with us below. :)
2 days ago
I am thankful for God's love, and faithfulness.
Thankful for God's goodness and the certainty that we can always cling to His truth!
Its always a good day to Praise God. Thank you for hosting this link up. It has helped me to focus on the many blessings in my life.
So true. Also another thought the topic of character. "You don't ave to be guilty. You just have to be accussed." This is so true when people allow satan to mess wit the truth. Thankfully God is bigger. Thanks for sharin this.
And thanks for Thankful Thursday!
Have a blessed day.
This has been a topic of conversation at our house a lot over the past couple of years. As our daughter gets older, it's a concept that we really want her to truly grasp and hold tight. On that same token, it's important that we also cling to truth and build upon that foundation. May we never stop growing in Christ and keeping a watchful eye out for the enemy.
I'm thankful that God is the God of the impossible! And that He invites us to partner with him in prayer and blessings He longs to bestow.
I am thankful that even a migraine can be a lesson in faith. I am thankful that He never fails although we nearly always do. I am thankful that I can reach across unimaginable boundaries and find fellowship. Keep speaking truth.
Peace and good to you.
"Truth" is my word for 2012. Great Post...thanks for letting me join!
One of my favorite quotes is "Everything we do should be a result of our gratitude for what God has done for us" ~ Lauryn Hill. He has given us so much to be thankful for. Your post is a great reminder of that!
I am thankful for His everpresent love and how He leads us in every moment...
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