Thursday, June 3, 2010

THANKFUL THURSDAY ...little things are not insignificant

I haven't worn a wrist watch in a long time. One of the reasons I stopped wearing one was because one day my watch just stopped working. It was one of my favorite watches and it just doesn't seem right to wear another one.

I came across that old watch the other day. I thought maybe just maybe I could try to fix it. I tapped on it. I shook it. I wound it up. But it still did not work. I finally took it into Wal-Mart to have the battery checked. The most amazing thing happened...once that small battery was replaced, that watch started ticking away!

Little things are not always insignificant. Like that watch battery, it was that itsy bitsy piece of metal that was the solution to the problem. Sometimes it is the smallest things that can have the greatest power!

1 JOHN 4:4 "You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world."

How incredibly amazing that when we apply God's strength to the "little" things in our life - how much His power changes everything!

I am so thankful for God's strength that not only carries me thru the big, tragic events in my life but how He sustains me even thru the little stuff. He is always there.

Have a wonderful THANKFUL THURSDAY! Join your grateful heart with ours by linking up over with IRIS!


Denise said...

Amen, always there.

becky aka theRAV said...

I am a watch collector myself. I love crazy interchangable bands. But I am hard on watches. I bang them up daily. I so agree it is the little things in life that sometimes mean more to us. I liked this post.

Karen said...

Amen! Great reminder....