I have shared the following thoughts with the readers over at LACED WITH GRACE today. Check out daily devo's from an awesome team of writers by clicking HERE!
I just returned from a 2 week missions trip to Ecuador. A team of 34 from our church went to help work on a Children’s Campground. In addition to doing construction, we took a team of 11 youth to do evangelism in schoolyards in Ecuador. It was indeed an amazing and life changing experience.
One of the highlights of the trip was going to church. My husband who is an ordained Assemblies of God minister, had the honor of preaching two church services. This was not our first time to travel to Ecuador, and every time we go, we are amazed at the love and the joy of these precious people.
As we sat thru the worship time, my heart jumped with joy. When the worship leader spoke, I did not understand it. When the Ecuadorian Pastor offered prayer, I did not understand the words prayed. When offering was taken up, I did not understand what was said.
There was a language barrier. They spoke Spanish, I did not.
But something happened when the music began. The words of the songs sung were still in a foreign language but there was something familiar about it. It was the spirit of God. All of sudden, I realized how beautiful the sound of worship to our Lord sounded.
At that moment, I understood that to God, worship is worship…no matter what language it is expressed in. With God there is no language barrier. He understands love. He hears love. He is love.
1 JOHN 4:16 “God is love”.
God is everywhere and He IS love!
May we all understand that God longs and yearns to hear our worship and adoration. To Him, it is truly music to His ears. No matter what language it is expressed in. So go ahead and give all of your praise to Him in whatever native tongue you speak … in the end, it all interprets the same.
First or ONLY Word of 2025?
2 weeks ago
Beautiful sis, love you.
The Spirit of God is surely one.
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