Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A PIECE OF MY HEART...gathering nuts

Lately, I have noticed squirrels in my yard. Not just one or two, but lots of squirrels. Yesterday, as I came into the house, I noticed two of them in my front garden. They both had a nut in their mouth and they were scrambling to get it into the ground.

It made me think back to what the latest conversations have been among my friends. Instead of talking about the latest fashion, or the big sale at JC Penny's - we have been talking about Obama, his proposed changes, and the economy. All of us have come to a conclusion that now is the time to get some things in order. Financially speaking.

Even if our jobs seem to be intact and not in any danger, making some changes in our spending habits just seems like a good idea right now. Personally, my husband and I are going thru a christian financial book and looking at ways that we can cutback. Stretching the American dollar these days just seems like the smart thing to do.

In a nutshell (no pun intended!) it is a smart move for us to become like those squirrels and start putting back, saving, and storing up for winter. I am not talking about living in fear of our future, because the Bible specifically talks against that. Fear is not from the Lord...

"When you focus on the world, you lose perspective. When you focus on God's promises, you gain clearer perspective."
However, I do believe that God has called us to be responsible Christians. And that includes being responsible with our finances. No matter what Obama and his administration implements in our future...we must remember that God has a plan not only for our lives but for this world that we live in. He is in control and we must rely upon Him.

"Preparation time is not wasted time" - how pleased would our Father be to see us making wise choices with the blessings He has bestowed upon us.

I CORINTHIANS 4:2 "Moreover it is required in stewards that one be found faithful."

Gathering nuts may not be such a bad idea after all!

and that is a piece of my heart today;


Denise said...

I totally agree sweetie, love you.

Melanie said...

We're making some of those change, too. Making sure the money is going for the right things and the rest is being saved. Great post!