Can you imagine what it would be like if each morning was brand new?
No worries of yesterday. No past due bills. No extended illness. Things of yesterday, both good and bad, were gone. Instead of smelling the brewing of a the pre-set coffee maker, we smell nothing but freshness and newness much like a brand new car smell.
Can you imagine opening your eyes and not having to think about the carpool, finding money to pay for the kids braces, or remembering the mistakes of your past? Sounds like a marvelous day, but probably not reality for most of us. Most of us awake in the morning with the same burdens and regrets and disappointments as we went to bed with. But it doesn't have to be like that.
God's Word says that "This is the day that the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it" (Psalm 118:24) Each day is new. With God we can leave our mistakes, our sorrows and our burdens in the past and live today with joy, love and grace. Each morning instead of waking up to the smell of coffee, we can wake up to the smell of His Spirit.
Psalm 90:14-16 (NLT)
Satisfy us each morning with your unfailing love, so we may sing for joy to the end of our lives. Give us gladness in proportion to our former misery! Replace the evil years with good. Let us, your servants, see you work again; let our children see your glory.
One of the reasons it is difficult to see each day as a new day is because many of us wake up meditating upon the things of yesterday. Our worries. Our problems. Our past. Instead of committing to God those things that we have no control over, and asking Him to forgive us of our sins, we wallow in them and drag them with us from Monday to Tuesday to get it. And before long, the days, the weeks and maybe even years now have become a drudgery instead of a joyful encounter.
There is much satisfaction in starting our day out giving Him praise and seeking what He has for us. Satisfaction is not found in the world, even though that is where most of us look for satisfaction. Worldly satisfaction is temporary, but being satisfied with what God has for you today is so rewarding, fulfilling and like a fresh breath of air.
With each sunrise, our hope is in knowing that each of our tomorrows is secure in Him and it is up to us whether or not we accept the free gift of each day that He gives us.
Got worries from yesterday? Today is a brand new day!
📘LENT Reading Plan
1 week ago
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