We have been reading the book of Psalms ever since we started this journey of reading thru the Bible. I think it is very fitting that we end the last chapter of this book giving God praise!
Psalm 150 tells us that everything that has breath should praise the Lord. God made us to praise Him! And when we praise God, good things happen. In fact, when we praise God, the enemy will flee.
It happened with King Jehoshaphat: when his singers sang and praised God, the Lord defeated their enemies. (see 2 Chronicles 20).
It happened with Paul and Silas: when they praised the Lord in prison, God sent an earthquake and the prison doors were flung open. ( see Acts 16)
It happened in Acts: when God’s people were persecuted, they prayed and praised God and the whole place shook. (see Acts 4:31)
If it happened for all these people (and more), don't you know it will happen for you?
(Psalm 150:6) "Let everything that has breath, praise the Lord."
It is my prayer today that no matter how your day plays out, you will praise God. Praise Him with all that you have and watch and see if your praise doesn't unlock some doors and turn some things around.
TODAY'S READING: Isaiah 26:20-28:29, 2 Corinthians 8, Psalm 149-150
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