Tuesday, February 14, 2017

DAILY DEVO... Who are you magnifying?

We all know that one person who no matter what the topic seems to be will always bring their name up and sing their own praises.

Bringing attention to what we have done instead of magnifying the One Who empowers us is a grave mistake many make.

Often, I think that our problems and trials seem so big to us. They are so overwhelming that they overshadow God and make Him appear small compared to the enormous weight that we carry.

When we are able to recognize the magnitude of God and how He is limitless in all that He can do, we will then see that God is so much bigger than our small problems.

I'm reminded today of a magnifying glass; when properly placed we can properly see all of the intricate parts that use to appear small but now are magnified. When we magnify God, His power becomes so much more evident to us and It can flow more freely through us.

(Psalm 34:3) "Oh magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together."

The Psalmist today is encouraging us to take the attention off of ourselves and join together in magnifying God. It's not about you, it's not about me. It's about God and how much bigger He is than anything this world can offer.

Don't make God smaller than He really is.


TODAY'S SCRIPTURE READING: Exodus 32-33, Matthew 24:29-51, Psalm 34:1-7.

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