As I write this, I am fully aware that not all children have experienced such fond memories of their Mothers. Some children have no recollection of their Mother perhaps because of death at an early age, or because of some other reason for separation such as divorce, drug addiction or imprisonment.
In the past few years I have come across some young people that fall into this category, having no maternal influence in their life. How sad this makes me, to think that a young girl would not have a Mother to talk to about boys and shopping or a teen boy not having a Mother to tell him "good job" on the A on his history test or his winning home run. I guess that is why I have taken a few of these orphans (kids with no mommy) into my home and into my heart.
Earlier this evening, I was thinking about how sad it is that this weekend will be Mothers Day and these kids (and so many others) will not have anyone to send a card to, or say "Happy Mother's Day" to. But then I realized that being a Mother is so much more than just giving birth. To better understand the role of a Mother, I asked my children what they think a good Mother is...
"Having unconditional love, having patience, knowing how to make things better, loving your child more than yourself, showing love and expressing how proud you are of them every day. Having a piercing love that goes beyond even the bad stuff, gives good advice,advocates for her children, works hard, having the right balance of nurturing, gentle kindness and a firm hand when needed."
When I think of Mothers, my first thought goes back to my own Mother and her Mother (my Grandmother). My thoughts then go to the privilege it has been for me to be a Mother to my wonderful 4 kids and now their mates, my bonus children. I see the example of being godly Mothers being passed down from generation to generation and now even my grand baby is experiencing this from her own Mother.
PROVERBS 31:2 "Her children rise up and call her blessed; Her husband also, and he praises her."
My thoughts after reading that passage go to the Mother of all Mothers...Mary. She was so unique and precious that God chose her to be the mother of His begotten Son. Even though she was poor, inexperienced and young, God put trust in her to be the mother of Jesus. She certainly was a blessed woman.
Likewise, He has entrusted in us some of His precious children. Not all are born to us. On this Mothers day, I can't help but think of those who desire to be a Mother but for whatever reason have not been able to bear a child. If I could add to my children's list of "What a good Mother is", I would add that a good Mother does not have to carry a baby in her womb for nine months. I could not put it any better than how my bonus daughter, Rachel did...
"A Mother is not always biological, it comes from the heart and soul of one person who cares deeply for another."
This weekend take time to remember your heritage and the love of your Mother, and then look around and see if there might be an orphan, someone without a Mother's love that you could embrace and carry on the Mother of Mother's tradition...loving someone unconditionally, no matter what cross they may bear.
Today is THANKFUL THURSDAY and I am truly thankful for motherhood. I am blessed to have a godly mother and I am even more blessed to be called "Mom" by some pretty awesome kids. My birth kids and my adopted kids. May the family circle never be broken!
Love this post! As a mother to biological children and a child who was adopted, I was nodding in agreement while reading this! Also, as I've lost so much of my own mom to dementia, I've been so thankful for the women of her generation who have stepped up to "mother" me at times. Blessings to you!
Amen, Laurie. A mother's love is our first experience with unconditional, sacrificial love, our first glimpse of the way God loves.
Laurie, what an encouraging post. To this day I am 44 years old, have two beauitiful daughters and STILL struggle with "celebrating" monthers day. Reading yur post has given me another spoonfool of healing word. Thank you.
Julie Moon
I am blessed with a wonderful mother and mom-in-law... She's the greatest and has taught me so much. This is a beautiful tribute :!
Praise God for mothers who give their daughters a Godly example to follow, who love them unconditionally yet are not afraid to speak the truth in love.
Happy Mother's Day & God bless,
Lovely post. Thanks for running Thankful Thursday. I know it's not always easy.
I loved the line "a mother is not always biological". While I have a mother, I also have a number of ladies who have mentored me in many ways. One is battling cancer with dignity. She has no biological children but a number of men and women she has influenced.
THis was a beautiful post! Thank you so much for your kind comments on my blog today. I appreciate them
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