Yesterday, I came home from work, and found these beautiful flowers on my desk in my home office...
My husband had clipped some flowers from our front bush and surprised me with them on my desk. They are so lovely to look at while I sit here and write. Not only are they beautiful to look at but the lovely fragrance also lingers.
The presence of these flowers reminds me that not only can we smell physical fragrances but there are also spiritual fragrances that can impact us spiritually.
I will always remember my grandmother, but one of the things that I will never forget is her allergy to perfumes. I can remember going to the big department stores with her, you know the ones with the cosmetic ladies waiting for you to walk by so they can squirt you with their latest fragrance. As they would go towards my grandmother, she would quickly stop them and say "NO, do not spray that on me!"
Truth is, some people have fragrances that squirt for miles that some of us need to say, "NO, do not spray that on me!" Just as a woman's perfume scent can be smelled from afar, the fragrance of Christ can be noticed by many, not just those near by, but the scent goes from those we rub shoulders with to even others that others in turn rub shoulders with.
Having the fragrance of Christ is not something packaged that can be purchased. The only way that we can truly give off the heavenly scent is by learning what the scent smells like. We must become closer in tune with God and His Word. We must obtain the fragrance of knowledge by studying it...
"Now thanks be to God Who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge...For we are to God the fragrance of Christ." 2 Corinthians 2:14,15
Looking down, God desires to see the fragrance of Christ working thru us. Wouldn't it be something if we all could squirt alittle Jesus perfume every where we went? May today be a day of fragrance way or another, we all ooze of a certain fragrance, may ours be the kind that is a sweet smell to His nostrils. And a sweet smell to others.
Today is THANKFUL THURSDAY and I am so thankful for the beautiful flowers my husband gave me, but more than that, I am very grateful that thru God's Word and spending time with Him, I can offer up a sweet aroma to Him of praise and thanksgiving and hopefully something sweet will ooze out of me towards others.
What are you giving God thanks for today? Link your TT post us with us in Mr. Linky. Be sure to check back next week over at IRIS'S PLACE...she will be hosting THANKFUL THURSDAY for the month of June! ((blessings))
2 days ago
Fresh flowers like that are so amazing and so special but I loved how you incorporated everything you did :) So beautiful. You are so eloquent!
Happy Thankful Thursday :)
Beautiful flowers and a beautiful reminder that we can share the fragrance of Christ! Thank you for hosting this month; I think being thankful is a really great way to give off the sweet perfume of Jesus!
You bless everyone with your sweet aroma.
Oh, I so like this Jesus perfume, spraying all over. Years ago we were in church and there was a visiting pastor. My husband was so addicted to nicotine and had been battling for over a year trying to quit smoking. It seemed the more he battled the more he stank like a cigarette butt. The pastor called him forward and laid hands on him. Larry was immediately free from nicotine but was so surprised me was that the stink of nicotine was gone and when he sat down beside me he smelled so sweet, like lilacs it seems. God is so good and his fragrance is one we all need. Wonderful post!
Thank you so much for this post. I, too, have had flowers in my home as May has brought birthdays, Mother's Day and an anniversary. I am thankful for your reminders to be thankful for so many good things that are easy to take for granted. Thank you for your reminders!
Beautiful flowers and thoughts about the fragrance of Christ.
Lovely post & flowers! Reminds me of my mom and grandmother, as they both loved flowers like these that we had in our yard. May we all be blessed with the fragrance of Christ, and may we pass it on to others.
beautiful flowers!
How sweet of your hubby:). I like the idea of God's love lingering on others through us. Good analogy.
great post! what a sweet hubby you have :)
I love finding lessons in simple every day things like that! thanks for sharing!!!
Thankful for the flowers blooming in my yard- and the reminder that God will provide for me- just as He clothes and cares for all His creation- Matthew 6.
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