I wonder if we could trace God's hand (literally) how big it would appear. Sometimes we lose sight of how BIG God's hand is when we take our eyes off of Him. It is easy to focus on our situation, especially our problems and lose sight of how God is at work in our lives. I was reminded of this recently when a situation seemed hopeless to us. We had a hard time to see God's hand at all, but with faith and trust, we began to see exactly how God's hand was in our situation the entire time.
It is always awesome to look back at what we have come thru and see exactly how the hand of God had been there all along. I know sometimes when we are going thru the fire, it is difficult to see it, but the hand of God is there all along. You can almost go back and trace His hand and when you do, you will be amazed at how BIG His hand truly is!
JEREMIAH 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Today on THANKFUL THURSDAY, I am grateful for the Hand of God that is always leading and guiding me, even when I can't see it! What are you thankful for today? Please share with us your TT post by linking up below!
Amen! Thank God for His Hand that is always leading and guiding us, even when we can't see it. I am always amazed at how our Lord works very wonderfully in our life especially in very difficult time. It is very comforting that He loves us and is in total control of all things in our life, and He works all things for His glory and our good. I just posted too on how He sovereignly works in our life. All praise and glory be to Him. Take care, Laurie. May you have a very blessed week!
Warm regards,
Amen! I, too, am thankful that God is always leading and directing and that we can trust in Him to do what is best in our lives.
Thank you for hosting Thankful Thrusdays.
Yes! I completely agree! His hands are so much bigger than I give Him credit for when I worry about situations in my life rather than turning them over to The One who has the whole world in His hands!
Thank you! God has big plans for us!
Great post! Looking back makes us even more thankful, doesn't it? Thank you for hosting this Thursday!
Just wanted to let you know that I'm having an impossible time linking my post. Maybe blogger is just giving me troubles. I'll be back later to link! But, if I can't, here's my Thankful Thursday http://thedomesticfringe.com/2011/05/12/chain-a-moose-to-a-tree-be-thankful/
Laurie, I am thankful for much the same thing this week. God is so awesome!
Yes, God's hand is ever present and we see only in part. I enjoyed your post. thank-you for hosting TT!
We had a hard time to see God's hand at all, but with faith and trust, we began to see exactly how God's hand was in our situation the entire time.
Amen Sister.... Great post. Happy TT.
We see God's hand in the blessing of much needed rain here in Texas. I'm including a link to my post, as the Linky seems out of order :) Have a blessed week!
I'm several days behind on...well...life...this week :)
Just joining on Sunday, but always appreciate these encouraging posts!
Thank you!
Hi Laurie,
There seemed to be some problem with Blogger recently. I posted a comment here but was lost. Some things were also lost from my blog :)
Anyway, just want to say that I found much encouragement in your post. I too have been experiencing God's wonderful hands working in my life. Thank God for His hands that is always leading and guiding us, even when we can't see it! May He continue to bless and guide you.
Have a very blessed week!
Warm regards,
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