Friday, April 23, 2010

Contagious Christianity

Don't you just love people who come around you that have something contagious! Like a cold ... and they sneeze all over everything and anybody who is close enough to catch what they have. Wouldn't it be awesome if we were so excited about our faith in God that we would spread it to everyone we come in contact with - much like a sneeze.

Genuine, heartfelt Christianity is contagious. If we are enjoying a life-altering relationship with God, than shouldn't our relationship have an impact on others?

MATTHEW 10:32 "All those who stand before others and say they believe in Me, I will say before My Father in heaven that they belong to Me."

If we are to be contagious Christians, we might consider sneezing alittle bit of Jesus on someone! It's something worth spreading!


Pamela Scott said...

I love it, what a great analogy

Debbie said...

haha I LOVE it...AMEN and Bless you...Have a wonderful week-end Laurie...

Jolyn said...

Very good thought, I like how this is put. We need to get Sneezing about our Jesus...This would be one sneeze that would be healthy and give you ever lasting life..
Have a wonderful weekend.