**Lynn will be hosting THANKFUL THURSDAY for the month of July. Thank you for joining me this month, I have enjoyed sharing our grateful hearts together. Please see the future TT hosting schedule on my sidebar.**

Have you ever dropped a coin in the coin slot of a vending machine and not received what you wanted?
How disappointing it is to mash that button that says "Snicker bar" and receive a "Granola bar" instead. When this happens ... you know for certain that something has gone wrong. How in the world could this crazy machine plunk out something that you did not want?
So what do you do when this happens. Kick the machine? Throw the granola bar in the trash? Get angry? Try again?
Many of us (consciously or unconsciously) see God just like this vending machine. We think if we put our token of a 5 minute prayer in, that out will pop exactly what WE want. The truth is that God wants the very, very best for us and sometimes what is best for us is NOT what we ordered. Some of us don't need that "Snickers bar", what would be better for us is the "Granola bar".
NEHEMIAH 9:17 " You are a forgiving God, gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love."
When we constantly seek Him, and continue to look for what His desires are for our lives and not our fleshly desires ... we can then find the deserved rewards that we are seeking! God is a gracious and compassionate God, He is slow to anger and abounds in love. He knows better what we are in need of than we are. Arent' you thankful that God knows exactly what is best for us?
What are you thankful for this week? ~ Share with us your grateful heart and link your post up with us below in Mr. Linky.
great reminder...
Wow Laurie,
As always, just an excellent post. What a well written analogy.. Girl, you Rock... Love you and thank you for hosting and will see you again next TT.
That was great Laurie.
And so true. What a wonderful way to explain what some do not understand. Well done.
I love this post. Great analogy. We do tend to want God to give us what we ask for. I am thankful for everything he's given me that I didn't ask for because they were exactly what I needed!
Excellent post!
Sometimes the best answered prayers are the unanswered prayers.
Blessings this beautiful Thursday!
I love this post...such a great reminder!
Have a blessed Thursday...
Yes I am so glad God knows what is truly best for me. Giving thanks for His wisdom. Bless you and thanks as always.
Amen to that.. God indeed knows what's BEST for His children..sometimes we are just so narrow minded and can only see what's in front of us, what's temporal.. BUt God sees the total picture of our lives. Thanks for this post.. and thanks for hosting TT in your beautiful "home" .
Lalaine's World
From Asia and Beyond
Day to Day Miracles
Trying to be Fit
Not a Shopaholic
What a wonderful post. I am so thankful that God is compassionate and loving! And I am so thankful that He knows what is best for us.
Hope you have a wonderful Thursday!
Awesome post Laurie. Thanks for hosting. Blessings!
Thanks, Laurie, for your post. That is the second time in a week that I have heard someone use the vending machine analogy. I must need to hear it! Thanks for sharing.
Excellent reminders, Laurie.
Thank you for hosting TT this month.
You are loved.
I'm thankful that He knows what I need better than I do!
Thanks for hosting!
Great post! I think He still send us "nuggets" even when we are looking for them as He did in my life in my long over due blog post.
This was a wonderful reminder for me this week...thanks for the nudge!
Awk, I missed another week. Summer is so busy! OK next week for sure. . . over at Laurie's. See ya later!
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