Saturday, November 29, 2008

THEN SINGS MY SOUL SATURDAY...praising in the streets

I know that I said I was taking the weekend off from blogging. But my son Jeremy, from South Korea, shared this video on his facebook this past week and it really ministered to me and I wanted to share it with you guys...

Have you ever walked down the street and felt the presence of God so strongly that you broke out in a spirit of praise?

Or is your praise something that is kept silent and hidden?

When my son shared this video with me, it just pierced my heart, asking me....
  • When is the last time you have praised in the street?
  • When is the last time you gave such open praise to our heavenly Father that those around you stopped and took notice.

    Please watch this video (give it a second to start and watch the guy walking the street)and then ask yourself....


    Visit AMY over at Signs, Miracles and Wonders for THEN SINGS MY SOUL SATURDAY. It is there that you will find a whole bunch of praising going on!


Carolyn said...

Beautiful video! Thanks for sharing. Carolyn

Tammy said...

May I never stop praising God or be afraid of what others will think!

Love the video.


Unknown said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE this video Laurie!

A friend of my daughters shared this with us last year when I began my teen bible study. We talk about it often and how we must speak of His name everywhere we go!

Oh to be this bold! Lord, fill me with your strength to sing Your praises in the streets!

Love and blessings today!

Mocha with Linda said...

Great song and video. Thanks!

Melanie said...

Wow.. what a beautiful and powerful video! It really leaves us all with alot to think about, doesn't it?