Tuesday, June 7, 2016

TODAY'S DAY...dance with the Father

I  just returned from a long trip to Ohio where my beautiful niece got married. Oh she looked radiant. The dress was beautiful. The groom was handsome. The food was delicious. Everything was just lovely. I have to admit though, one of the highlights of the festivities to me was watching my brother step out on the dance floor for the daddy/daughter dance.

For one final time, a daughter looked up into her daddy’s eyes and followed his lead. Where his step went, she followed. Feeling safe in his arms as he turned her around and around on the dance floor. Eyes locked upon one another, talking and laughing like all the times before.
(Copyright: Laurie Adams)
I wish I could be like the bride when it comes to dancing with my Father, my Heavenly Father, that is. Too many times, it is easy for me to take my gaze off of Him and lose my step. When I surrender my will to His lead, all of my ideas and my agendas flow from the lead Dancer; because now He is leading my steps, turning me at all the right turns and holding me ever so gently in His arms.
Have you ever watched professional ballroom dancers dance?
There is such a dynamic intimacy between the dance partners. Cameras can flash, the audience can scream and clap but they are oblivious to it all because they are 100% focused on each other and on each step they take.
That is the kind of intimacy I want with God. I want to be so focused on Him that each step I take flows with His. I want to be so intuned to His voice, that no one else in the room can turn my head. I don’t want my attention to be on the dance, but rather on the Dancer.
My steps are ordered by the Lord.” -Psalm 37:23
When is the last time you took His Hand, gazed into His eyes, followed His steps and danced with the Father?

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