Monday, June 20, 2011

Thru our Fathers eyes!

It is amazing, now that our sons are grown up, how each of them have taken on similiar traits of their father. In fact, our youngest son likes to joke around and he will comb his hair to the side and put on his Dad's glasses and try to mock his father. Funny thing is ...he looks exactly like his dad.

I have often wondered about those glasses that their father wears. I wonder if the kids have ever considered what they could really see thru their dad's eyes?

If his glasses could talk, I think they would reveal the compassion and love that their dad sees in people. They would see the good samaritian things that their dad has done that has gone unnoticed. The glasses would reveal the unselfish deeds that their father has done for others. If the children could look thru their fathers glasses, they would see hard work, good character, compassion for others, genuine love for others and a faithfulness to serve God.

These are also some of the things that we would see if we would just look thru our heavenly Fathers eyes. Sometimes it is difficult to see the clear path, when trials and tribulations come my way, I cannot see clearly or make sense of the path I am on. But that is because I cannot see my future like God sees it.

I have come to realize that I cannot see clearly on my own. I will always need my Fathers help in seeing clearly. The direction I take in life cannot be based simply on what I see, because God sees things that I am not even aware of. He knows where the bumps in the road are and He knows what is good for me and what is going to harm me. I don't always see these things clearly. This is why I/we must depend upon God's 20/20 vision instead of our 20/40 vision.

“I keep my eyes always on the LORD. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure, because you will not abandon me to the realm of the dead, nor will you let your faithful one see decay. You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.” Pslam 16:8-11

I like what the Psalmist says in this passage..."I keep my eyes ALWAYS on the Lord!" How long does "always" mean? That means NEVER taking our eyes off of God. Our Father sees what we cannot see. Trusting Him and keeping Him at our side means we cannot ever fail.

We must trust our Fathers vision and see things thru His eyes!

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