Wednesday, September 15, 2010

WEDNESDAY WEEKLY WORD...take time to just do it!

For some people, reading the Bible is a difficult task. I have heard people say that it is just too difficult to understand. For some, reading the Bible every day is just simply an impossible challenge to master. It seems to me that the ones who think this way about daily Bible reading have already submitted to defeat before even giving it a try.

No doubt, the biggest issue for not being able to read our Word daily is
T I M E !! We have so little time these days. After all, we all have to work, and we have to get the kids to school and then there is the homework after school, and baseball practice and then when we get home, it is time to fix dinner and wash clothes and do dishes and pay the bills. And we could never miss the latest airing of ER and when all of that is finished, we have to check our email and update our status on facebook and work on the business report that is due for the 8 am conference call in the morning. We might have a few minutes before calling it a day to read our Bible...if only we could keep our eyes open for a few more minutes!

This may or may not describe you, but the truth is that many of us fall short of being committed to daily Bible reading. In last week's YOUR OPINION MATTERS POLL, I polled the readers the following question: "How often do you read your Bible?" The top 3 responses were...

1. 80% of those voting said that they read their Bible at least once a day.
2. 10% voted and said that they read their Bible more than once a day.
3. Another 10% responded and said they read their Bible once a week.

The Bible says that if we practice a consistent pattern of reading the Bible we will soon discover it to be "more desirable than gold; and sweeter than honey and the drippings of the honeycomb." (Psalm 19:10) The first step to creating a "pattern" or a habit is to commit to doing it!

The Bible is not like most books. Most books are designed to be read and digested, the Bible on the other hand is a Living book. It lives because the Holy Spirit still resonates within each Word. It lives because unlike other ancient writings, the Author of the Bible still lives! The Word of God is alive because when read, it becomes a part of us!

JAMES 1:22 'Prove yourselves doers of the Word, and not merely hearers."

In order for us to know "what to do", we must know what His Book says "to do"! The only way we can know what it says is by spending TIME in His Word - meditating upon it, breathing it, living it and then repeating all of those steps again tomorrow.

Is there not enough time in your day? We have got to make time for Him before time runs out!

There are many tools available today to help you in reading and understanding God's Inspired Word. If you have a hard time understanding your version of the Bible you are reading, check into a different version with more modern day language. Check out online concordances or commentaries available from your local Christian bookstore. Use a daily devotional book or use a "read thru the Bible in one year" book. No matter what tools you use, it doesn't matter, as long as you "just do it!"

1 comment:

Karen said...

Amen, I agree...just do it!