As I thought about what I could offer up thanks for this Thursday, I recalled the many "teachers" that have come across my path that I am very grateful for. So here is my THANKFUL THURSDAY this week:
1. I AM THANKFUL for women in my life, such as my Grandmother, my Mom, my Aunt and later in my Mother in law...who all invested in me and taught me how to cook, bake, clean, and be a godly woman.
- I am who I am partly because of your example!
2. I AM THANKFUL for the teachers who taught me the 4 R's in school. Reading, wRiting, aRithemetic. and fourthly... Red shoes! Yes, you heard me 7th grade I had the most awesome teacher who believed in having shoes that matched your outfit. It was not just black shoes or brown shoes, but no matter what color the outfit...the shoes matched!!
- I am the shoe fanatic that I am partly because of your influence!
3. I AM THANKFUL for my children who have taught me so many life lessons.
- Like what happens to your plumbing if a two year old shoves a magnifying glass down the commode?
- Or how fast can you stop a city bus driving by if your toddler runs outside buck naked?
- How many stitches does a face require if you allow a baseball bat to hit it?
- What would happen if you and your friends hold out a baby robin to your beagle dog?
-If it hadn't been for your adventures, I would still be a brunette instead of gray haired covered up with beauty shop magic...HAIR COLOR!
4. I AM THANKFUL for the greatest Sunday School Teacher in the world! (I might be partial because he is my husband) His insight and encouragement to dig into Gods Word deeper and learn it in a way that I could turn around and teach it has caused me to read differently, learn differently and study differently.
-I learn in a new way because of your encouragement!
5. I AM THANKFUL for the greatest Teacher that ever lived on earth. I have not come face to face with Him yet, but our hearts are intertwined and His spirit lives within me. He has left me the greatest book of instructions for living my life and it has taught me so much is the Bible.
-I walk, talk and think differently because of You! You are the love of my life... and the air I breathe ...and the reason I give thanks. Thank you for not just teaching love but living love!
"Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it."
This is today's THANKFUL THURSDAY, for other thankful hearts...check out IRIS and the other thankful thursday postings!
Blessings, Laurie
It's amazing how our students and children can be our teachers! Congratulations on graduation!
Such a nice tribute to teachers. Congrats to your son, may he be greatly blessed.
beautiful and fun list of TT. blessings... =)
What a great Thankful Thursday post! Teachers truly are a special blessing from God.
I was typing a comment when the internet messed up.
But anyway, your TT was lovely and you do have a beautiful way of writing.
Made me think about just who my teachers are.
This was a beautiful post. Happy Mother's Day to you and congratulations to your handsome son.
Congratulation on graduation. My daughter graduates from high school on the 22nd. Happy and sad are the emotions going on with me. Happy Mother's Day!
Teacher's deserve so much, don't they!
Congrats on the graduation!
Hey, how was the visit with your son before he takes off to Korea?
Hey Laurie,
Thanks so much for stopping by yesterday.
Wow, this was great! I loved the way you honored all those who taught you.
Blessings to you this Mother's Day♥
Great post -- I believe there's nothing greater than to teach. What an honor.
Just wanted to stop by tonight and wish you a Happy Mother's Day tomorrow! I pray all is well with your family and that you are getting a lot of time with Jeremy. Love, Laura
First off - congratulations to your son's graduation :) - A new adventure starts for him :)
Second - what a great post honoring those in your personal life who have helped you grow.
Thank you so much for sharing your grateful heart with us.
Blessings to you and yours...
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