In today's Scripture reading, we find one of the greatest stories told of strength and courage.
Strength and courage isn't always about size; strength and courage is in best form when your faith, not your muscles, are big!
The Philistine army had gathered to war against Israel. The Philistines had a giant, over nine feet tall, come out in full armor taunting the Israelites for 40 days. His name was Goliath and everyone was afraid of him.
Until David, a young teen age boy, came volunteering to fight him. It took king Saul some convincing to let such a little, young, untrained boy go against such a mighty force. David didn't come forward with much, no armor or swords, just courage and God's Hand of protection.
(1 Samuel 17:45) David said to the Philistine, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin,but I come against you in the name of the Lord, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied."
As the giant moved in for the kill, this confident young boy reached into his pocket and slung a stone at the giants head. That was quite the victorious day for the Israelites.
We all face giants in our life. Many of us are not big enough or strong enough to overtake them. It is only by the power of God that we can go to battle against those Goliath's in our way.
Your victory is not in overcoming the giants, but rather, standing in the strength and the courage of the Lord.
Get your stones ready!
TODAY'S SCRIPTURE READING: 1 Samuel 17, John 5:1-24, Psalm 79:8-13
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2 weeks ago
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