Wednesday, October 8, 2014

DAILY DEVO...have a bad attitude-change it!

I've been reading alot lately about attitudes. The good as well as the bad. We all have them.

Oh, the things that set us off a sleepless night, haven't had our morning coffee, disappointment in life, rudeness of others, etc.

I experienced the wrath of someone's bad attitude the other day and it didn't take long before everyone in the room had a bad attitude.

"A bad apple ruins the whole barrel" isn't that so true when there is a sour one in the room.

I've really become quite emotional since the recent death of my mom and I've really been working on my attitude lately, asking God to help me see how my attitude affects those around me.

I've come to realize that my "attitudes" don't affect me as much as it does others. Choosing to have a bad attitude is selfish it makes everything be about me with no regard to others or even God!

"...testing of your faith produces patience." -James 1:3

? for today...what trials are you facing that has soured your attitude?

Count it all joy and change your attitude!

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