You can blame it on Walt Disney, or ESPN. Or you can blame it on taking too long of a Sunday afternoon nap, no matter the reason; it is leading me to wonder if what I read recently could be true…
“Sunday morning sofas,” the author observed, “are filled with people…who think they can exist without church. They believe in God, but spending a few hours in a pew doesn’t fit their lifestyle. Mobility, convenience and privacy are their gods. Consequently, they sacrifice enduring friendships and Christ-centered companionship.”
Wow. When I read that statement this week, I thought, that is indeed what the Apostle Paul referred to in the book of Hebrews.. He not only told us to worship together, but Paul also suggested that one of the purposes of worship is to “spur one another on toward love and good deeds.” (Hebrews 10:24)
These are the kind of friendships that have made the difference in my life.
The Bible says, “From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.” (Ephesians 4:16)
Hal Donaldson, editor of Pentecostal Evangel, connects that verse and going to church so well…
“Interdependence, not independence, is a key strength and fulfillment. We can no more disconnect ourselves from other members and remain healthy than we can disconnect the ligaments from the bones to try to live without veins and arteries.”
So, I have to ask a question …Are you a Christian with all of your ligaments and veins intact? Or have you disconnected and cut off a vital body part? The church needs you! All of you …so be faithful to the body of Christ!