Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Don't you just love it when someone says or does something that is genuinely an act of kindness. For no reason, just to be kind. Almost seems like a forgotten thing from the past, showing kindess that is.

It seems like you don't see many people opening doors for others anymore. Have you ever tried to get out in a busy lane of traffic - seems like very few people will let anybody merge into their lane anymore. When is the last time you were in the checkout lane and let someone go in front of you that only had one or two items?

KINDNESS... you know the phrase - "kindness goes a long way." It certainly does!

EPHESIANS 4:32 "Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you."

Kindness is love in action. Kindness is very different from patience. Patience avoids a problem, kindness creates a blessing. One is preventive, the other is proactive. Having Godly love will cause us be kind to others, and others will desire to be around us.

But kindness just doesn't happen...look at the results of the YOUR OPINION MATTERS POLL from last week. I polled the readers, "What is the last kind act someone did for you?" The top 3 answers were:

1. 53% of the readers said that someone gave them a kind compliment.
2. 33% of those polled said that someone opened the door for them.
3. 13% voted and said that someone gave them a present for no reason.

To be kind, it takes some initiative. Look at the poll results, all of these things took some action on someones part to make it happen and most likely someone thought ahead before doing these kind things. Sadly though, this poll revealed only 6% of those polled said that someone was kind to them by praying for them. Does this mean that we do not consider prayer a kind act? or does it mean that we are not taking the initiative to pray for others?

In Luke, Chapter 10, Jesus tells the parable of the Good Samaritan. What a great example of the kindness of love that Jesus desires from us. You know the story...

A Jewish man is left for dead, after being beaten by robbers. Two respected, religious men walk by without noticing the injured man and ignoring him. They were either too busy or too important to stop and be kind. However, when a common Samaritan man comes by, he did the most shocking thing. Even though his race hated the Jews, he looked beyond the cultural boundaries and was moved with compassion to help this man in need. A simple act of kindness bridged years of racism that had caused strife and division.

The Good Samaritan took the initiative to show true kindness. What an act of love! If it is hard to love our enemies, possibly we need to look for ways to be kind to them. One of the best ways to show kindness to our enemies is to pray for them! Someone needs a Good Samaritan to stop and care, and show love with their kindness.

Can you be a Good Samaritan today?


Debbie said...

This was great and I soo agree. Kindness is something soo rare in today's busy "me me" world. And have you ever noticed that when someone does a simple thing for you, it can just make your whole day?? What a wonderful way to spread His love around. Have a great day my friend...

stefanie said...

Can you imagine the change just in our small town if each of us chose to perform one act of kindness for someone each day?!?
I was wondering about the small 6% that said someone prayed for them...would that be prayed for us if we asked for prayer or would it be if others just decided to pray for us? The reason I am wondering is I pray for people all the time when the Lord puts them on my heart but I don't always get in touch and tell them. Of course if someone is asking everyone to pray I pray for them and they usually know it. So I guess my point here is that maybe we don't always know when someone is praying for us, so maybe when the Lord lays someone on our heart we should try to make a point of letting them know that we are praying a special prayer for them.
I love your devotions. You are doing a great job. Thank you for them Laurie.

stefanie said...

Can you imagine the change just in our small town if each of us chose to perform one act of kindness for someone each day?!?
I was wondering about the small 6% that said someone prayed for them...would that be prayed for us if we asked for prayer or would it be if others just decided to pray for us? The reason I am wondering is I pray for people all the time when the Lord puts them on my heart but I don't always get in touch and tell them. Of course if someone is asking everyone to pray I pray for them and they usually know it. So I guess my point here is that maybe we don't always know when someone is praying for us, so maybe when the Lord lays someone on our heart we should try to make a point of letting them know that we are praying a special prayer for them.
I love your devotions. You are doing a great job. Thank you for them Laurie.

Holly said...

Good word today! One of my favorite scriptures is 1 Corinthians 13:5 that tells us Love does not insist on its own rights and is not self seeking. Good reminder for me daily! Thanks for the word and be blessed,