Disappointment can be a vicious enemy. And it can strike at any moment...so, it is important to learn to deal with it.
Whenever you feel disappointed with something or someone, remember to not let it shake your belief in God!
Another thing, when you feel let down, thank God anyway! There is always something to be
Whenever you feel disappointed with something or someone, remember to not let it shake your belief in God!
"Do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward." -Hebrews 10:35
Another thing, when you feel let down, thank God anyway! There is always something to be
thankful for!
"Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits." -Psalm 103:2
God wants us to be happy, right where we are, with what we have. So when you feel disappointed, think of it more like "God's appointment"...it could be that He has a wonderful new plan for you.
? for today...What or who disappointed you this week?
Is it possible that God is working something new for you and what seems disappointing is just a new appointment?
Trust God's plan.
? for today...What or who disappointed you this week?
Is it possible that God is working something new for you and what seems disappointing is just a new appointment?
Trust God's plan.
Speak on my friend.
There are a lot of people and things that disappointed me this week, last week, etc. But thanks for this reminder. I sure need this message now.
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