If you are just joining me, you need to go back and read my last 3 posts. This has been a 4-part story as I share my story of forgiveness and restoration all this week. Thank you for all of your comments and emails. It has encouraged me so much. For those that have contacted me in regard to your own experience of a Father that is missing in your life...I dedicate this last posting of my reconciliation story to you! May God fill you with peace and forgiveness that is out of this world, and may you find the "eyes of your Father"!My THEN SINGS MY SOUL song is a special song that helped me alot during this time of reconciliation. After reading my story, you might be saying "Wow I don't know if I could have done that". Well, can I tell you, in my own strength I would not of been able to! I give God ALL of the praise for what He has brought me TO and brought me THRU! My video that goes along with my story is "VOICE OF TRUTH" by casting crowns. For too many years I listened to voices that told me I was no good! I was worthless without a father! My dad didn't care about me! He didn't love me! Laurie...you are unlovable! But that was all a big, fat lie from the enemy. God had a different story to tell and I am so glad that I listened to what He had to say.....
It was Christmas eve day, my family and I had traveled to Wisconsin to spend the holidays with my in-laws. As my family sat at a local restaurant with my sister-in-law, I received a phone call from our oldest son who had to stay back in Arkansas.
"Mom, your step mom just called!"
Somewhat confused, I answered "I don't have a step mom!"
The letter!
He got it!
Wow. I didn't think this all the way through. I didn't actually think he would call. I didn't actually think he cared. What was the chance of all of this happening?
Was it CHANCE that out of a list of four names, that my letter arrived at the correct address on the first attempt?
Was it CHANCE that my oldest son happen to be at home to intercept the phone call from Florida on that Christmas Eve?
Was it CHANCE that just a month prior, someone in our church gave us a week's vacation using their condo which happens to be in Florida!
Was it CHANCE that this condo is located only 30 minutes from the address that I sent my letter to?
I don't believe in chances. Not really. Every step of the way was GOD'S PLAN. God knows exactly what He is doing. His ways are MUCH greater than our ways!
ISAIAH 55:9 " For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts."
As I hang up the phone with my son, so much emotion floods my heart.
I just can't believe I found him!
A short time later, my cell phone rings.
A phone number I don't recognize. It's him. I can't bring myself to answer it!
Should I have answered the call? I ask myself. What would I say to him?
How is the weather? So, what have you been up to for the past 40 years?
December 25, 2004
Christmas Day
My cell phone rings. It is that same number who called yesterday. It is him. It is my Dad.
This time I answer it.
Hi. Great, you got my letter....
after 20 minutes of small talk. Weather updates. Christmas greetings. A silence and then the strangest thing came out of my mouth...
I love you Dad!
WHAT! Where did that come from?
IT'S A GOD THING! The strangest thing happened to me at that moment. The past 40 years of anger and confusion of how a Dad could leave his daughter and not look back just totally evaporated. Instead of anger and wanting to ask WHY, my heart was filled with compassion and love for this man I had never met. Definitely a God thing!!
For the first time in 40 years, on this special Christmas day, I heard on the other end of the phone, my Dad say, "I love you too" and then I heard crying. My first conversation with my Dad ended when his wife gets on the other end and tells me that he can't talk anymore because he is crying too hard.
OK. Merry Christmas. Great to talk to you.
I hang up and realize the miracle God had just performed in my life. Uncontrollably, I fall into the arms of my sweetie and cry like I have never cried before. Once again, God had not failed me!
Two months later, my husband and I flew to Florida to spend a week at a condo that someone in our church had given us to use. The condo was just a 30 minute drive from my fathers house. It was a Sunday morning, and we had agreed to meet for breakfast at a local restaurant. When we had arrived, all of the staff had already heard our story from my Dad and his wife, Martha as they had been anxiously awaiting our arrival. As I looked into the eyes of my father...I truly saw him as My heavenly Father sees us...with love and forgiveness. It was difficult for me to stop looking at him during that visit. There were so many questions I had. So many lost years. For some reason, none of that was important to me...the thing that seemed most important was saying "Daddy...I'm here"!
Larry (my Dad); Laurie and Clayton
It has been four years since our first meeting. I still keep in touch with my dad. I have only seen him one other time besides that initial meeting, but I keep in touch with him on the phone and in writing letters. He is now in a nursing home with failing health. He is in the latter stages of Parkinson disease and many times when I speak to him it is difficult to understand him. But every single time I speak to my Dad, just like that Christmas Day in 2004, we end our conversation with him crying and me saying "I love you Dad."
Laurie with her Dad at Gulf Shores on vacation in 2005
THE VOICE OF TRUTH...by Casting Crowns
(you have to mute my music on the sidebar before listening to this video)
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Praise to God for all He has done...
Blessings, Laurie